For five years I have been growing my hair for Locks Of Love. The idea originated when a former childcare client of mine was diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer. This is a lethal form of breast cancer with a very low survival rate. When diagnosed, my friend was given less than a month to live and was told to get her affairs in order. This was absolutely unacceptable. She was a divorced mother of a young son who needed her. With much strength, determination and support from family, friends, and community she fights a most courageous battle. She is my hero. She is approaching the fifth year anniversary of her diagnosis, she has defied the odds. In honor of you my friend, my hair was cut today. Fourteen inches of hair will be donated to Locks of Love, enough I'm told for three wigs. I feel honored to be able to contribute, to put a smile on an innocent child's face. Tomorrow the battle continues, not only for my friend but the many others who are struck down by this hideous disease.