Thursday, October 7, 2010


Before I begin let me just state it was very difficult to obtain a clear view while taking photos of any sort. Tuesday, the day I attended the Fryeburg Fair also happened to be senior citizen day. Needless to say it was extremely crowded. Now, believe me when I say I have nothing against senior citizens- good for them to be out and about enjoying the beautiful day, but let me say I have never seen so many motorized scooters in my life. Why, scooters were zipping around every which way. Keeping that in mind, here are the photos to part 2 of my day at the Fryeburg Fair. This beautiful quilt captured the winning Blue Ribbon....and there were preserves....pickles, relish, jams, jellies, if you could dream it up, it was there. How nicely they were presented....

The fowl.....I did bring a cage with me....yes I did....The first chicken I noticed....A naked neck also known as a Turken. Poor thing I felt sorry for her, but not sorry enough to take her home. Remember I have feather peckers, I don't need the girls getting any ideas, like sporting a naked neck. Well, she was not for sale. Does this girl remind you of a vulture, or is it just me?
Now due to the crowds, I was not able to read all the information offered on the breeds.

This fella was quite handsome. A feathered footed Lemon something or other....

and this fellow....

and this fellow, why is it the smaller the bird the louder the voice....but both quite stunning

The Frizzle....

in white....

now you see me now you don't....

I could have snatched up this little lady in a heartbeat. Alas, not for sale....dang....

another handsome boy, I swear he posed just for girls just don't want or need any testosterone in their coop....he is a looker....

another possibility....again not for sale....her feather's were just beautiful.... and just look at the feather pattern on this girl....beautiful....nope, not for sale.... this little lady. oh right excuse me gentleman.... well she would have been perfect....If she had not been a he.... and there she was....a petite little thing....the apple of me eye....and also an egg....just for me....I looked for her information....and what did I see....SOLD....DANG!
Yup, it's sad but true.... my cage came home banty hen for me....not yet anyway.