Greetings from snowy Southern Maine. DH and I ventured out this morning to take a few photos, this is the majestic Portland Headlight located in Cape Elizabeth Maine. Here on the East Coast we have been receiving snow with the heaviest predictions for Saturday night into Monday morning. The local weather stations are reporting snow accumulations that will be measured in feet, not inches. Alas, the frig is full, vehicles gassed, water on supply, generator prepped and something new to Dog Trot Farm: a snow blower! I now need not worry about "reaching" my "girls" if indeed all that snow should show up. The "girls" egg production has not diminished and each hen is producing a daily egg. They however, are not thrilled with all this cold wet white stuff, but coming from proud Yankee stock venture out regardless of weather conditions! From our home to yours, Best Wishes And A Happy New Year.
WIS, WWA | It’s 8:30! I’m late!
2 hours ago