Granny ain't running at top speed this morning little seems the common cold has found me...but the good news is I did get a flu shot last weekend...Travis has had a cold and of course he just had to share it with his granny...but really it's my own fault... I simply can't leave the kid alone...those cheeks of his were just made for kissing... Bright and early Travis and I made pumpkin for his daddy and one for his grampy..our first pumpkin pies of the season...the kitchen smelled heavenly...well, really if I could smell I know the kitchen would have smelled heavenly...freshly ground spices from The Shakers of New Gloucester Maine are key...with the pies cooling Travis and I delivered eggs to our neighbors and then proceeded to get our walk in between rain drops. With the weather dreary I decided we could use a bit of seasonal color to cheer up the homestead...
out came a glow in the dark bottle of sweet smelling Dial soap...
a delightfully fragrant candy corn air freshener...I admit I have a weakness when it comes to creative packaging...
witchy...the bathroom nightlight...
friendly "Jacks"...
with friendly witches...
and cats...
hoot owls...oh...and the perfect plates to serve
our pumpkin pie with a topping of french vanilla ice cream...Travis and I...we just love this time of about you?