Because you asked....
~Amy Bouchard's Wicked Whoopie Pie Recipe~
Whoopie Shells
4 heaping cups sifted flour~ I use King Arthur and yes you do need to SIFT
2 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 cup HOT water
1 cup cocoa~ I use Hershey's Dark Cocoa
2 cups white sugar
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup shortening
1 cup sour milk or 1 tablespoon vinegar and milk to make 1 cup
2 eggs
1 teaspoon REAL vanilla
mix together shortening, butter, sugar, eggs, and vanilla. Sift together dry ingredients and set aside.
Add milk, cocoa, and hot water, then add the dry ingredients. Scoop large rounded spoonfuls of batter onto a GREASED cookie sheet. Space 2 inches apart.
Bake in a pre-heated oven at 350 for ten minutes.
*I would highly recommend using a small ice cream scoop for putting the batter on the cookie sheet. I cook my shells for 11 minutes and no peaking!
6 tablespoons marshmallow fluff, 4 tablespoons REAL vanilla (THIS IS NOT A TYPO) 4 tablespoons flour, 4 tablespoons milk, 4 cups powdered sugar, 1 1/2 cups shortening. I use the Crisco sticks
Add all the ingredients in a bowl and beat till smooth.
Place a large dobble of filling between 2 shells and enjoy!
*NOTE* I am not to be held responsible for any MUFFIN TOPS that may occur!
I had the good fortune to bump into Amy Bouchard ...a very pretty gal....dressed in pink....with blond curls.... and oh so tiny.
I thanked her for sharing her grandmother's "wicked" recipe....she gave me a hug....and thanked me!
WIS, WWA | It’s 8:30! I’m late!
1 hour ago