Monday, March 28, 2011


The most repeated words in our home are "HONEY HAVE YOU SEEN MY GLASSES?" For the life of me I cannot understand why DH and I have such a difficult time keeping track of our reading glasses... it's beyond me. Now.... I do recall having my glasses on this morning.... however.... do you think I could find them when needed most....of course not. So....I retraced my steps.... I dashed off to the veterinarian's office with Winslow Homer....our twice weekly morning ritual....went to my neurologist's appointment.... what a waste of time and co-pay....that's all I am going to say about that....and did the weekly grocery shopping....then it dawned on first morning activity....before brushing my teeth....taking my shower....even getting to pull on my muck boots....barn coat....and head out to the coop....
oh I remember....I had become distracted by the finding of a blue ameraucanas.... Pip and Pearl have been slacking in the egg department....
how surprised and delighted I was to see this perfect blue egg...a spring offering just waiting for my arrival....and low and behold.... my a nesting box....just where I had left them....and that is all I am going to say about that!!!!!