As the March wind blows the sun peaks in and out among the clouds... today the temperature nears fifty degrees.. snow is melting...there is a slight but noticeable change to the morning... stepping outdoors...I close my eyes and tilt my face toward the sun... a bit of warmth can be felt...songbirds sing...daylight has lengthened... there is new found energy all around...winter's grasp is slowly letting go...
also letting go are my apron strings... now, I do realize that the men folk in my family will not be too happy with me...but, you see...winter has been long...very long...and those long snowy winter days put me in a baking mode...but unfortunately for me... I also love to consume what I bake...I come by it honestly... I grew up in a family who love their sweets...some of us can manage this sweet indulgence...while others go amok.. I go for now...temporarily... there will be no sweets coming from this girl's cookies, no cakes, no brownies, no pies...and when my favorite little one says "granny I've come to steal a cookie"... I'll lovingly hand him an Oreo and leave it at that.~