This afternoon the sun is shining and the temperature has begun to rise. Enough of those thirty and forty degree nights and days, we need an Indian Summer around here. I am not ready to don long underwear and my L.L.Bean Parker. (yes I have been wearing both) Not only do the hens need a light in their coop to extend their day, the heat lamp has been installed to keep them warm. No frozen toes around here.
There is still colorful foliage to be found, however, it will not be around much longer. If any of you are coming this way for "leaf peeping" don't wait. Fall always seems to be over in the blink of an eye and snow flakes not far behind.
This morning Pip left me a most wonderful surprise
A lovely pale blue egg.
A perfect Easter egg.
I collected these three eggs this morning. The girls are not laying in their nest box, but seem to prefer the floor. The two brown eggs I found in the corner of the coop and the blue egg out in their pen. I do an egg check quite regularly as I do not want the girls to walk all over their hard work!
Yesterday while on the Island my dad and I went for a drive. You can't drive a great distance for the island is only a mile and a half wide and four miles long. While on our outing, there in a clearing was a beautiful doe.
WIS, WWA | It’s 8:30! I’m late!
2 hours ago