Saturday, May 12, 2012


Do you have an inner voice? Do you have an inner voice that you actually listen to? I do and I do. So this afternoon when a tall maple tree snapped and split, now hanging precariously over the clothesline....I'm sure you know where this post is headed...Mr. Dog Trot said "I can cut the tree so it will fall away"...AWAY...
now I love Mr. Dog Trot dearly however, from my vantage point there was just no way this tree was not going to land smack in the middle of the clothesline. I wanted to yell "my inner voice says your are WRONG, Mr. Dog Trot does not believe in such things...

so on this lovely afternoon, while the sun was shining and the birds singing, the old maple tree fell...

landing right smack in the middle....

of the clothesline...

I walked over to the girls...

girls I said..."let that be a lessoned learned"

always listen to your inner voice...