Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Fall is the season of nature's beauty and one way to appreciate nature's spectacular scenery is to take a train ride. This is the Conway Scenic Railroad train located in North Conway, New Hampshire. This train leaves North Conway and heads to Crawford Notch via Intervale, Glen and Bartlett, New Hampshire. This line was established in 1875 and will climb more than 1300 hundred feet to the "Gateway to the Notch." Sunday was a perfect day for such a train ride, the sun was shining and the air crisp and cool. We had packed a picnic and soon boarded the coach car. The fee for our trip was $56.00 dollars per person. We certainly felt we got our money's worth.
This railroad follows the Saco River Valley Northwestward to the headwaters at the top of Crawford Notch. This train winds through the Presidential Mountain range, with a starting elevation of 535 feet. This particular train run was the last of the season- it's destination, Fabyan a 5 1/2 hour round trip ride with an elevation of 1575 feet. The views were spectacular and behold off in the distance the mighty Mt. Washington- home to the world's worst weather. Do you notice in the far off distance the distinct white?
why yes that would be SNOW....It was such a clear and vibrant day you could visibly make out the Mt. Washington Observatory and it's adjacent buildings.
Here in New England it appears the foliage has reached it's peak. Friday a rain storm is predicted with heavy winds, winds that will most likely remove the color from the trees. So, If you haven't had the opportunity to enjoy nature's spectacular offering, get out and do so before it's to late!