Tuesday, May 19, 2009


No frost this morning for us, however parts of the state did. Just to be on the safe side I brought my tomato plants in last night. Today was a beautiful day to garden, but my gallbladder didn't want to corporate. I did see the surgeon this afternoon and he threw out words like "sluggish" and "thickened" so the gallbladder will go. No date for surgery as off yet, but hope it is soon. I have been searching for an arbor for a while now, but just never quite found what I was looking for. Last Friday I spied this black iron arbor at Lowes for $54.00. It fits nicely against our stone wall and the price was right.

I had purchased this cement stepping stone at the flower show in Fryeburg. I think it will fit nicely placed/planted under the arbor. I hope to plant Moon flowers which will trail up the arbor, that is if the deer don't discover them.

Sweet Emma Lou keeps watch over her "chooks"

This is the lovely Pip the Ameraucana or Easter egg layer. I have a feeling Pip might be a he, but am not positive. Her/his appearance is somewhat different than his counterpart Pearl. Only time will tell.
Lucy and Willa the Barred Rocks with Beatrix and Iris the Buffs. I love to hear their sweet music.

Just look at those sweet little faces. Well, my dear husband, while trying to be tactful announced "it smells like a barn in here". I replied, well there just babies what do you expect. They can't leave their mother yet, isn't that right Emma Lou. She just purred in agreement.