Wednesday, May 2, 2012


On a cold and rainy Tuesday, a bit of sunshine arrived in the post...
a package, travelling all the way from Bakersfield, California...
a smile soon spread across my face, dear Kim of My Field Of Dreams, gifted me with this wonderful box of goodies...
A few posts ago, Kim had displayed on her blog pin cushions that she had lovingly created. Numerous blogging friends soon suggested she open an Etsy store; I agreed and asked If I could have the privilege of being her first paying customer...
In the box, wrapped ever so sweetly, was the little blue pin cushion adorned with a heart button and tiny strawberry, a Yankee candle, Kim's fragrant homemade soap, and sunflower seeds gathered from Kim's Field Of most of you know Kim grows the most amazing sunflowers...
I so loved my box of goodies...
and I am thankful for having such a friend as Kim...~Hugs from Maine~ Julie.