Today was weigh in day at Weight Watchers. This past week I have been "living" the program. I have been extremely diligent with my "clean" eating. No butter, salt, (my choice) minimal carbs. and sugar. Lots of fruit, vegetables and protein. Three days I met my goal of 10,000 steps by snow shoeing, followed by many, many steps of walking.
For those of you who might be contemplating joining Weight Watchers or you are a newbie as I, this is a lesson that I learned the hard way today. Eat all of your points. I had not been doing this and today it showed up on the scale, I lost a quarter of a pound. Weight Watchers is an exact science and if you do not play by the rules, you suffer the consequences. Point in turn, a friend who also joined with me, indulged in pizza four times last week, birthday cake and Boston cream pie too, she used her points and the extra 46 you are given. Today she was four pounds lighter with a two week total of seven pounds lost while I remain at four. So there you have it, am I giving up NO, today begins another Weight Watcher week and you can bet this week I'll be eating all my points!