Monday, February 11, 2013


This morning at 6:00 am...I woke to a beautiful violet colored sunrise...
two hours later...the snow began to fall... I have no complaints...I have learned to embrace and enjoy winter...I realize that under all this white is the energy which will eventually burst forth into spring... 
 For those bloggers who reside in parts of Texas and California garden season has arrived... some  have flowers in bloom...sigh...I've enjoyed reading your blogs- it's given me hope of what is to eventually come to New England...good things are worth waiting for...With Valentine's Day around the corner many of you have shared your lovely collections of reds, stitchery sewing  projects and primitive decorations...I am in awe of your talent and prim perfect homes.. I take away ideas and inspiration from your wonderful blogs...My collection of reds however differ somewhat than yours...yes... I have a traditional red heart hanging on the front door...but mostly my collection of reds consist of...
 hearts and bears on the fridge...
 a little one's cereal bowl...
 and a craft that consists of two little feet and finger paint...
my home will never be prim perfect... 
but... I don't think this little one will mind... thankfully I have your wonderful blogs to look at and drool over...BTW...if you find yourself with any extra sunshine could you send some my way!!!