Pinterest...the online visual tool where one can browse, discover and bookmark creative ideas from a worldwide catalog...I find Pinterest a wonderful distraction from the real world (Clinton/ Trump)'s a place where your mind can freely roam... in any direction...a happy place...locating interests unique to with a little help from the mister (okay...a lot of help from the mister)... two of my pinned projects have come to fruition...first up...a primitive fireplace insert, constructed for our little electric wood stove...the insert itself is not completely finished it still needs to be "scruffed" up... given a couple coats of wax and square nails to hang "things" Christmas stockings, herbs, gourds, etc... I am so pleased with the way it turned out... it's just as I had hoped...
Second...a potting closet...Mr. Dogtrot built this for me while I was at the island this fits perfectly between two windows on the north side (back) of the is home to chicken supplies, garden tools, Mantis tiller, wheelbarrow and other odds and ends...would you like to know what the best part is?... I don't have to's all toys, no man tools...
Come Tuesday, please don't forget to vote!!!