When I hear the name Tasha Tudor my mind automatically travels to Corgi Cottage, Tasha's beloved home in Vermont. I envision her enchanting cottage dark and cozy as a squirrel's nest. Her beloved corgis would be underfoot all while the magical aroma from the tin kitchen permeated the air. I found a kindred spirit when I discovered the world of Tasha Tudor. Her love of animals, gardens, crafts- and of course her art. She once claimed she was not an artist, but an illustrator, many do not agree with her statement. I have collected many of Tasha's books and her cookbook happens to be one of my favorites. I have made many of her recipes and love the fact that many call for "farm fresh warm eggs". I think to myself "why, I have those on hand" and run to the coop and snatch an egg or two from under one of my girls. Just one of the many pleasures of having your own chickens.
This morning I made Tasha's chocolate cookies, I added a dusting of powdered sugar to finish them off.
Not only does Tasha's cookbook offer mouth watering recipes, but you are treated to an insight into the magical world that Tasha created.

The cookies turn out perfectly and were much enjoyed by all.
Tasha Tudor is no longer with us, but her spirit lives on. I believe our world is a better place because of her. Thank you Tasha- you are dearly missed.
leaving things better than we found them
15 hours ago