Dear October... how swiftly thy days are passing... all too soon your opulence will be but a distant memory...I savor each day while mentally preparing for the seasons to come...days are short...dusk arrives early... candlelight... the warmth of a wood stove... simple joys... The countryside is aglow... corn has been harvested and hay bales stacked...farm stands offer delectable seasonal delights...fresh pressed cider and warm sugared donuts taste especially good in the cool Autumn air...how lovely an early morning walk can be with leaves swirling in the air and the "crunch" now heard under foot...
I find no "pressure" to the month of October...as I do in the months of November and December...I bake for the shear joy...Sunday morning finds pumpkin bread cooling on the kitchen counter...happily awaiting the Pumpkin Spice cream cheese I discovered at Target... I have never noticed this product before, have you? Tomorrow I'll offer my opinion on this product...BTW the only item I purchased at Target...my wood stove calls...good evening everyone...Off to catch up on my blog reading....