With the passing of a parent many of us as adult children will face the task of cleaning out and potentially selling the family home. The torch is passed and it is a fact of life. With the death of my mother in-law I began to realize how daunting this task may be. There are feelings and memories attached to "things" but one must remember it is not about the "things," but honoring their parent's wishes. I do believe my husband and his five siblings have done just that and would make their parent's proud. Many of the items that will now make a home here at Dog Trot Farm are special remembrance's of my mother in-law. The harem doll brought back to her eighty-five years ago by her parents traveling in the Far East.

A lace tablecloth used for special occasions on the old farm table....

A German figurine.... my mother in-law shared with me her special memories of horseback riding with her father. Years later when she and my father in-law purchased the farm where my husband grew up she had horses of her own and rode through the fields and woods on what is now our land. She also had a love for and raised Brittney Spaniels.

A pair of eagle mirrors which I have always admired for many years now find a place of honor in our "big room"....

a favorite platter....

Discovered tucked in a bookcase a long forgotten favorite childhood book of my husbands....Mrs Piggle-Wiggle....

and finally two old Christmas ornaments once cherished by my mother in-law will now have a place of honor on our Christmas tree.

What makes an rememberence special is not the monetary value but the heartfelt feelings, special memories that one remembers. I hope you all have cherished possessions of your own, those which tug at your heart and put a smile on your face.