Rounding the woods give way to a clearing, Corgi Cottage comes into is a weathered cape nestled between outer buildings...Truly, you feel as though you have stepped back in time...
Our tour began with Marjorie Tudor, Seth's wife and Tasha's daughter in-law, leading us through Tasha's gardens... Marjorie freely offered wonderful stories about Tasha's love of in point...when Tasha sold her rambling seventeen room farmhouse house in Webster, New Hampshire ... not only did Tasha move her "things" but beloved plants and trees too...At the time of the move Tasha drove an old Range Rover... On this particular day Marjorie drove the Range Rover with Tasha barely visible sitting in the passenger seat completely taken over by plants, while holding a Buckeye tree in her lap...I brought home a buck eye from Tasha's tree...and a sprig of rosemary...rosemary being for remembrance...The gardens, now quiet...but if you conjured up your imagination...the gardens were in full bloom...their fragrant scent heavy in the summer's air... Tasha bare footed...digging in the warm soil...and her beloved corgi's by her side...
leaving things better than we found them
14 hours ago