The story of Sadie Mae...
Soon after my kitty Sweet Emma Lou passed away I attended a fostering class for cats and kittens offered at our local animal refuge league. (In my humble opinion, a house is just not a home without a kitty.) My heart was still in the process of healing and I realized I was not ready for a permenant feline resident, fostering seemed to be the optimal solution. At the end of the class we were asked our preference in fostering, I voluntered for the older or senior cats, those who might be in need of a little extra TLC. A few months passed by and I received a call about a petite kitty named SADIE. Sadie was ill and in need of a care giver who would administer her daily meds and offer a quiet home in which she could recover in. Sadly, Sadie remained with me less than 24 hours, she was just too ill and in urgent need of vet care. Six weeks passed by and I often thought of little Sadie but felt she had more than likely succombed to her illness. Yesterday, out of the blue, I received a phone call from Anne, the shelter cat coordinator at the refuge league informing me Sadie did indeed survive and was healthy enough to be adopted, was I interested? I offered Anne a lame excuse and said I needed to check with Mr. Dog Trot, but honestly I needed to check with Sweet Emma less than two hours it was decided, Sadie Mae can now call Dog Trot Farm her forever home. I feel quite confident that Sweet Emma Lou is pleased with my decision...and our house feels like a HOME once again...
leaving things better than we found them
14 hours ago