Thursday, November 27, 2014


We rejoice and give thanks for the many blessings we have received here at Dog Trot Farm.
For health and happiness...
For a warm and cozy house that we call home...
Food for our belly...
The gift of a grandson who  keeps his granny's days filled with much joy and much so that by end of the day I forget my own name...
For Winslow Homer...the little dog who puts the "Trot" in Dog Trot Farm...our boy celebrated his fourteenth birthday last week...we are grateful for each and everyday that he remains in our lives...
Lastly, we are thankful for our chickens, even though they have gone on winter hiatus and we have received no eggs in recent memory...
For two felines, Mrs. Tweedy and Birdy Mae...who both continue to claw the furniture and urinate in places I shall not mention...
For a husband, who at this very moment is making the Thanksgiving gravy...
and finally, I am so very grateful that we have not lost our electricity...the above photo is the winter wonderland we woke to this morning...and so it begins all over again...

Sunday, November 2, 2014


and so it begins...winter in Maine...
parts of the state received ten or more inches of snow today...they have been without electricity since early morning...fortunately for us we've had but a dusting...the wind continues to howl and the lights  flicker...the temperature will dip into the twenties this evening...we are prepared as one can be on this second day of November...~sigh~