Doing housework....

I enjoy doing housework, ironing, washing, cooking, dish washing. Whenever I get one of those questionnaires and they ask what is your profession, I always put down housewife. It's an admirable profession, why apologize for it. You aren't stupid because you're a housewife. While you're stirring the jam you can read Shakespeare. ~Tasha Tudor~
Oh.... the weather is fine today.... in the high fifties.... it is not to last....just a tease....but I am taking full advantage of the day. Like Tasha Tudor, I too enjoy housework....but when the weather is as nice as it is today I find the need to be outdoors .... feel the sun on my face....and entertain thoughts of Spring....still feeling the need to clean something I decided today was a perfect opportunity to clean the girl's coop.... empty their nesting boxes.... add dust and fresh chips....rake....and add clean shavings to the floor....I vacuumed the eaves and walls. I like to keep a neat and tidy chicken coop. I know my girls appreciate this act of kindness....I like to add small decorative touches to their house too....even chickens like being "chic." On one of my current thrifing expeditions I found a curtain valance with a scattering of poultry printed on it....I decided it was just the perfect item for the girl's coop. I can hear some of you laughing at me now...." curtains in a chicken coop"....let me forewarn you this is what happens when you let fuzzy little peeps enter your life and with the sun still shining I am off to hang curtains....I would love to hear how some of you decorate your coop.... be brave and share...and yes, I am proud to be a housewife!