Pumpkins...last year's photo of course, but it is a vision I am longing for. It has been so humid here for far too long. I am ready for cool crisp dry air and for all the wonderful delights that Fall brings. Yesterday was not a good day...MIGRAINE...My head was throbbing, throbbing with a capital "T" actually it has been throbbing since the humid weather arrived. Yesterday I had an appointment in the big city (Portland, the city by the sea) with my primary care physican, time for the annual physical...
My physican was running late, I was not. Besides being late another gripe I have with physicians, would it be to much to ask to keep current updated magazines on hand? Nothing is worse than perusing a year old magazine while waiting for your name to be called. Finally, an appearance. How are you she inquired? My head is pounding I sputter, and I hit and killed a squirrel and a seagull on my way here. Surprise, I did get a reaction out of her. Alas, my visit went well, bone density and mamogram scheduled for next week, nothing new for the migraine, grin and bear it. Easier said than done. However, the good news is I have kept the weight off that I lost while on Weight Watchers, surprise...surprise...
Now this little guy, he's spending three days a week with his Granny. If anything can help my migraines...while "grinning and bearing" it's Travis...
His magic brings a song to my heart and a smile to my face, plus he's good company while I attempt to pull feathers from the underneath of my car...