My husband and I built our home twenty seven years ago. Our taste, I should say my taste is considered "primitive," well worn, antique, lovingly used.(you get the picture.) Now we are in need of replacing this well worn kitchen counter top. It is black laminate and held up well maybe ten of the twenty seven years since it's instillation. Counter tops sure have changed since 1982, especially the cost! I have looked at Granite, Corian, Quartz, Soapstone, Silestone and Solid Formica. This is a large investment and I want to make the right decision for us. If any of you lovely people in blog land have these materials in you're kitchen would you be willing to give me some advice and help steer me in the right direction. I love the Granite, but think it will look to fancy in our kitchen. I have Pine Kennebec Kitchen Cabinets, large black kitchen sink, black appliances and no island. I am leaning towards the Corian, but not sure how it will "really" hold up. I love the look of black soapstone, but alot of maintenance. Please help I am open to any and all suggestions!
two fat hens (or roosters). . .
2 hours ago
my kitchen is about the same age,... fall of 1985. So I have no advice to offer, but will be reading the comments with great interest for my own possible renovation next year. Good luck!
I would go concrete!!!! But that's just me...soapstone would be my second choice...not sure of the wear tho...
Ok, got to go fire up the generator!!! hahahaha!!
I have formica, which I like, however I'm an interior painter and I see a lot of granite. I don't think it matters what kind of house you live in, granite is great. I've seen it in all styles of homes from million dollar beach houses to farmhouse style homes. It holds up and is easy to clean. If I had my choice, and the money, it's what I would go with.
Not sure how corian is these days but I went into a house once that had it and it was quite scratched. Maybe you should google some reviews on each kind of material you are considering before you decide. Best of luck!
Thanks ladies for the comments.
hi sis! dont forget that there has been talk of radon in the granite counter tops . i would not like to see your head glow! love you auntie jo.
My kitche is all butcher block, but if I were to EVER redo it I would look into polished cement. If I wanted something I could break my dishes on.
Otherwise, I'm sticking with my cooking friendly butcher block.
Hi Julie, I dearly wish I could give you advice, but I don't have any experience with those surfaces. I do hope you're happy with what you decide on, trust your instinct! (-:
Thank you Linda and Jenny, I am still doing my research. Will keep you posted!
Julie, have a Corian baking island that has stood up well to many years of daily usage. It will scratch if you cut directly on it with a large knife, so I try not to. If you want to check it out you're welcome to visit. If I was redoing my counters I'd be looking into cement - it looks so neat and the environmental impact is appealing.
You can make granite work, but I'm also of the thinking that it comes off as too fancy.
Have fun choosing...
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