This is a rug that I designed in honor of my two kitties, Macy and Emma Lou. Macy our "Money" cat is no longer with us. She earned her angel wings last spring and is buried in one of our flower gardens. Macy chose us to be her forever family as she showed up in our field one day, never to be claimed. She loved to spend time outdoors and was a master "mouser". She blessed our family for 17 years. As for this rug, you can see I need to finish the binding, steam press and then find a place of honor.
This design I purchased at Searsport Rug Hooking in Searsport, Maine. It is a lovely shop located on the coast. The shop is housed in an Old New England cape, each room is filled with wool, dyes, books, linen, just a rug hookers dream!
Also a pattern from Searsport Rug Hooking. I love the colors in this rug I think they blend very nicely, and if it must say so looks great on my living room wall.
As for tomorrow, DH and I are revamping our down stairs bathroom. Wish us luck and hope when the paint flies it lands on the walls and not each other!
two fat hens (or roosters). . .
2 hours ago
Just lovely and a great tribute to Macy!! Now get to work and get pictures of that bathroom...and what does DH stand for...I'm trying to figure that out and I'm sure I will after I send this post.
Thats because your DH is in Alabama (dear husband)
Ha Ha!! Should have known!
Those are lovely rugs. My favorite is the kitty one. I've always wondered, with the rug hooking rugs, do you actually put those on the ground or are they really meant to be framed and hung up as art?
If you use quality materials, such as linen for the backing, 100% wool (prewash so the color does not run) they hold up fairly well. I use them on the floor, walls, table tops. Emma and Winslow love sleeping on them! To clean them I use a hair dryer for dust and lay them in the snow for gentle cleaning. Works great
What a lovely tribute to Macy. The photo on the righthand sidebar ..Emma Lou,... I used to have a cat that looked just like that. i called her "Snickers"... because she was chocolate, nougat, caromel and ....slightly nutty!
I love your rug for Macy! You are a pretty cool artist and a great rug hooking artist.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Love your design, your color planning is terrific, and what a Wonderful Tribute to your little Angel Kitty
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