I am happy to report that progress was made this weekend on the chicken coop. Trim fitted, Tyvek wrapped, three windows installed, a wooden door made, and a screen door in place. I think the girls will be pleased. I know I am. This would be a sweet little place to dress up girly, bring in a comfy bed, favorite books, kerosene lamps. Okay honey I hear you, yes I am forgetting it's for our feathered inhabitants ( I can day dream can't I)

While hubby was laboring on the coop I worked in the gardens. The air was heavy with the sweet fragrance of lilacs, apple blossoms, daffodils, birds were singing and a gentle breeze kept the insects away. Can't get any better than this. To soon the Japanese beetles will arrive and the battle begins, beetles vs. the gardener. It is sad to say, but these beetles can devour a plant in no time. There is not much a gardener can do, pick them off and drop them in soapy water. I am hoping the hens will put a dent in the beetle population, but only time will tell.

A Salmon colored azalea and old fashioned white lilacs.

The perennial bed is filling in nicely. The one plant that did not survive the winter was a musk mallow. It is one of my favorite perennials, the Japanese beetles love to indulge in this one as well.

This crab apple tree is just spectacular.

Flowers are the sweetest things that God ever made and forgot to put a soul into. Henry Ward Beckford~

Tomorrow I see the surgeon and see what my options are in regards to my gallbladder. I will keep you posted.