Saturday, May 16, 2009


Yesterday my husband and I went to the Home and Garden Show in Fryeburg Maine. Fryeburg is located in Western Maine. As we were admiring the country side scenery the Presidential Mountain Range of New Hampshire was glimmering in the distance with snow. The colors of Spring.

Just lovely.


Cedar ... said...

Was that held at the fairgrounds in Fryeburg? The Presidential Range is awesome,.. I've only seen it in summertime when on my way to Wells Beach, Maine!

Eve said...

Oh that is just beautiful Julie!! I just love spring! Glad to see you are really blooming now!

Zitrone said...

I just came across your post on farmgirl's blog and looked you up. What incredible spring adventures you have happening on your acreage! And you are a fabulous photographer. Maine allows you quite the spectacle in spring. Can't wait to see what happens in your area in the summer.