Another day of beautiful sunshine, the bird's are singing, the flower's growing.

The bee's are buzzing, fragrance is in the air.

A happy dog guarding his flock.

" Chooks" foraging,

and stretching one's legs.

With a little sunshine progress was made on the coop.

Today was a day when everyone was happy.
I'm so happy for you Julie! The coop looks beautiful! HI WINSLOW!!!
What's the pink flower in the middle of the garden? Is that lamb's ear? I can't make it big!!
You need to come help me in my gardens!!!!!
The garden looks great!
Your flower garden is marvelous ...
wow, those chooks are looking like grown up girls now! Flowers are beautiful!
Those herbaceous borders look lush Julie. Can I employ you in my garden.....I'm only a hop skip and rather large jump away! (-: So glad you're getting some proper job summer at last! Happy sunshine day to you and the chooks and....of course that ever so handsome dog of yours.....shame I've forgotten his name!!!!!! Sorry handsome it homer?That name has just popped into my head.....
Thanks for the comment on the coop Eve, the magenta flower is Rose Campion and yes that is Lamb's Ear. Jenny, I would love to come and see your gardens and meet sweet Poppy. Thanks to all for your nice comments on my garden tomorrow I am off to buy Sevin.
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