Due to the rainy weather we are experiencing here in Maine our Internet service has become very temperamental; meaning it's the luck of the draw if we are able to get on line or not! Oh, by the way, if you are coming to Maine for vacation, these are the only two items you need to pack, the rest you can purchase here!
I thought of you this morning when I heard the weatherman on Good Morning America say that in your area of the country there have only been 2 sunny days since May. I am so sorry to hear there is still no sunshine. It really must be hard to take it for so long, I know my mood is down in the winter because of lack of sunlight. I wish I could give you my sunshine but I do have a "One Lovely Blog Award" for you at my blog sight.
I have two things to say Julie....
I love the title and
Did you shrink in the rain?????
Oh and that photo is fantastic!!!
so depressing! and so unusual for your area in july... july 4th in the afternoon we got torrential rains in vermont and so we all went to our rooms and read our books! not a very vacationy thing to do but nobody had the energy nor the desire to do anything else!
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