Not only can my "Dear Hubby" take in laundry, produce lumpless gravy, and make a mean popover,

He can dig a trench

connect the wires

which will now give the girls electricity.

The little "coop" in the woods is complete.

The girl's and I want to give their daddy a big thank you, here's to you honey!
You've gotta love a handy guy! And he cooks too! I'd like to know his popover recipe as I've been thinking of making them.
The girls live in the cutest little coop! I just love it!
Oooh, all wired up! Think he'd write a tutorial? We are still stringing extension cords here at Henbogle!
Cute thank you from the girls :-)
Sharon, DH even cleans up after himself and at times after me! Ali, I had visions of extension cords coming apart under three feet of snow, and me on snow shoes trying to dig my way to them! Not pretty.
Those beautiful girls of Dog Trot are living up-town and have your dear hubby to thank. Any husband that can wrangle e-lectricity is a wonderful husband! And lumpless gravy too? Cream gravy AND brown gravy?!
I love, love the third picture but the first is right up there too. Your pics give new meaning to Labor Day! Them is some lucky girls!!
Send my cousin-in-law down here with some of that Mike's!! I've got work to be done!!!!
You guys did a wonderful job. That coop is quite a shining star! You should both be very proud of yourselves and I know the girls are very happy!
That's one luxury chook apartment Julie. Lucky girls! Er......can I ask what a popover is please? Never heard of it.
You had me at lumpless gravy!
hey friend,... do you rent him out on weekends? I've got tons of chores here.... :) Seriously,.. what a nice job you have done on the girls' home. Looking spiffy!
Thank you for such nice comments, I appreciate you all. Jenny, a popover is similar to yorkshire pudding. Eggs, milk, butter, flour and salt. If cooked correctly they puff right up, light and crispy on the outside and eggy on the inside. Slather with butter and jam,Yummy! Oh, and girls DH can iron too. His mother raised him right!
YUMMMMMM!!! Those sound delish!!! I like the way you say 'slather' with butter! (-: That's my kind of eating! (-:
Ooooh...envy. I have a 75' extension cord doing the work for me. Then, there's another one going up to the goat house. Your husband has fixed things up wonderfully at your place. Your chicken girls are so lucky!!
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