Today the weather is cool and crisp, a temperature this morning of 29 degrees. Really a bone chilling day when all I wanted to do is stay indoors nestled close to the wood stove and work on a hand craft. Before I could entertain that thought I needed to let the girls out for a quick jaunt. Well, do you see all this lovely land my girls have to free range on, for some reason they would rather head deep into the woods or head across the next field to my neighbor's house. After calling and searching I found them deep in the woods. With who knows what creatures eyes lurking on them.

I eventually rounded them up, with the aid of my trusty oatmeal box and closed them into the safety of their pen. "PHEW" They were not to happy with me, but a mother has to do what a mother has to do. I have to say when they hear the sound of my voice and the shaking of the oatmeal box they do come running to me and then follow me into their pen.

With the girls finally secured I got the wood stove going and put a pot of simmering spices on top, the house now smells like fall cloves, cinnamon, apples slices.

I took this white wool

and transformed it into the colors of fall

secured my wool cutter to the table and cut my strips.

Drew a jack o' lantern face onto my linen backing

and started hooking. I hope to turn this into a pillow before Halloween arrives. I just love this time of year!
Wonderful craft piece.
I always wanted to learn how to hook. Maybe one day! It doesn't look to difficult. The pumpkin is great!
It sure did get cold quick. It's as if we went right into winter. Hubby has our woodstove going also.
Those girls, they better watch their step lest the big bad wolf be lurking! Some people down the street from us have Guinea hens and I've seen them several times out by the street, which is extremely busy! One didn't make it back to the house a couple weeks ago : (
Your girls are as prim and proper as you Julie...and sometimes they get a wild hair!!!
They are just beautiful. I love your pumpkin hooking. I wish I'd not lost my hook!! How will I ever learn!! hahaha
You're so talented!
That is just Cool .. the pillow thingy
My house smelled the same I think. Love the hooking...didn't know you were into the dyes though...I keep wanting to, but never seem to get it out and done...even got new dyes. neat site for rugs, connecting with other hookers and a large discussion group on Dyes - The Welcome Mat.
The girls look as though they are straining at the fence eyeing where they would like to be. Or missing where they have been. They may riot Julie :) The top picture is lovely, awesome. The pumpkin pillow is FUN!! CH's Aunt is going to teach me to do something with yarn that you pull through fabric, a throw for our couch, when we go to visit her. I am also going to try some crochet with her. It is going to be a long winter and I had better find something productive and satisfying to do!
Good to know that your girls come to your voice and of course the food! (-: Will that pillow have a place in your home or is it destined for somewhere else?
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