I posted a picture of this cat on a Wordless Wednesday. This is not Emma, but a stray on the island where my parents reside. She is lovely in looks and personality and I felt deserved a name. "Elliott" has been residing on a summer resident's porch in a grocery box. Now that this family has left the island my dad has befriended her. He has provided food, a newly constructed cat box, which will offer security and warmth in the cold winter months.

My parents together made the decision to take her to the Vet in Portland. Elliot's age was determined between three and thirteen. She had been spayed at one time and was in relatively good health. She was given a rabies vaccine and treated for fleas. It is obvious she was someone's pet, however no one has claimed her. The Vet and my dad made the decision to bring her back to the island. Elliott has been an independent outdoor lady for quite some time and being caged up in a shelter would do more harm than good.

I myself cannot fathom how people can mistreat or just dispose of an animal. You all can rest assured that this lady will be well taken care off. I am glad to know there are good Samaritans like my parents in this world who choose to do the right thing. Elliott and I thank you both.
Oohhh! She looks exactly like my little girl! What sweet personalities these little 'tortoise' breed have! How wonderful and kind and thoughtful of your parents to take her in! :) May God truly bless them! :)
great news, your dad is a good guy. but I guess you already knew that, right? :) I have just adopted a three-colored and white little girl. She was living at the barn at my son's farm. But the hay and dust were giving her a respitory thing. So I have her,... she's had three vet visits now and is an absolute love! She'll go for spaying on Friday. Love these calico cats!
Such a beautiful cat and you have wonderful caring parents.
may God bless your dear parents for taking care of this darling little cat. she deserves the best. i love animals so much and cannot understand people who turn their backs on furry friends. i hope she will be warm during winter...maybe she can live in their garage? hint hint...:~)
Thank you all for the kind comments, I should say I named her" Elliott" because its my dad's middle name. Rest assured she will be well looked after.
ahhh Elliott! At least I was almost right! You are a part of the family now!! She is a beauty queen and I know Uncle Lloyd and Aunt Bev have a super special place in their hearts for Elliott. Morgan sure would love to meet her!
I can't fathom it either but it happens every day, just like children are abused every day. Some people have no conscience.
Glad Elliott will have a place to call home, I just worry about those bitterly cold nights. Someone I know rescued a cat in York on a terribly cold night. Her ears received severe frostbite and half of each of them fell off : (
Elliot has a very sweet face. How lucky Elliot is to have found your parents. They have done such a good and kind thing for this fuzz faced kitty. A smile on my face this morning with this post :)
Glad it all worked out and she can stay on her island. With your Dad's watchful eye she will be fine and happy.
Elliot has a gorgeous face! She reminds me of a starving cat my family rescued when we were on holiday up in Yorkshire when I was about 15. We called her Whisky (dont ask me why) (-: I'm glad she has your parents keeping an eye out for her.
Isn't she a lovely girl! Good for you and your family. I can't stand it how people mistreat animals either!
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