We awoke to the first snowfall of the season...

the air crisp and the sky a brilliant blue...

three to four inches of snow graced the landscape, giving it a pristine glimmer...

The only way to ease a hen's introduction to winter: warm oatmeal with blueberries

need I say more.
Snow already????
:sigh: Our storm is coming Thursday. That snow looks wonderful on the front of your home.
That is very pretty ...
We've been frozen but no snow yet.
Winter has arrived here in Southern Maine. I love having snow for the month of December,then it can leave!
Beautiful captures Julie. I am drawn to the second one. I'm thinking that warm oatmeal with blueberries looks pretty good and could help ease my introduction to winter when it hits here Tuesday! Snow will be ok but please no ice.
Ahhhh I'm jealous, I live in France and they are saying we are going to have a warm winter here. Being an Ohio native, I really miss snow! Well, thanks for letting me enjoy it vicariously via your blog. And, wow, your hens are sure lucky. I don't even make that for my family most days!
Beautiful photos Julie, hahaha we beat you in the first snow!! WOW! I wish someone would make me warm blueberries and oatmeal!!!
I needed to entice the "girls" to venture out of the coop, they will do pretty much anything for blueberries!
your pictures are so pretty, our snow is melting quite fast, getting ready for the next storm the middle of the the week.
Ah, Julie - you are a chicken mama after my own heart. Last winter during our deep snowy freeze, my girls (and roopert) got warm oatmeal every day, often with shredded cheddar cheese on top! Warm them from the inside out, that's the goal on mornings like this, right? :-)
Very cold here wind blowing spitting and nasty.
ANd I'm at work, with a slick drive ahead of me.
Even chickens need a wholesome breakfast to start their day, Day Photo, please stay safe.
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