Last Saturday DH and I ventured around the corner to our favorite Christmas tree farm. It's just a small grove of trees beside and in back of this gentleman's home. His trees are lovely and well taken care of. We found the perfect Christmas tree for us.
Honey would you like to change your mind? "Nope" I said I'm happy with my first choice, "good" was the reply.
Thank goodness we cut our tree before the snow came. Sunday we brought the tree indoors and let the branches settle before decorating. Um, I think it's "leaning" a little. I do remember saying those words, I swear I do.
Monday after three hours of decorating, over it went. Yes, I lost ornaments and yes I did shed a few tears, but I have recovered.
After restringing lights, and replacing ornaments, old Tannebaum has been erected once again. Tonight as I turn on the tree lights my tree seems to come alive with the spirit of Christmas.
two fat hens (or roosters). . .
2 hours ago
Well said! In my child hood room there were always two fence steeples in the Christmas corner. A wire was threaded around the trunk of the tree and each fastened to the solid steeples. Saved a lot of tears!
Ouch, sorry to hear about the tree, but glad you did not lose the chicken ornament! So CUTE! I just love decorating the tree, seeing all the ornaments again, they are like old friends. Your tree looks lovely. BTW, on my blog I answered your question, and pointed to my posts about building our hoophouse.
Your tree is beautiful! Glad you didn't lose your little chick ornament!
It look wonderful tho Julie. Hope neither of you are in the coop tonight. For some reason I have a feeling even the chickens arent in the coop! Just make sure my room is feather free when I come visit again!
Oh Julie, oh my, very funny post. CH and I read it last night, totally identified with you and your hubby and probably quite a few more out there and laughed until we had tears! Still makes me giggle this morning :) We love our guys but when will they learn we have extra special intuition radar?!
Your tree is bee-u-teeful!! We have a tree with 98.9% blown glass ornaments, if we lived closer your sweet little chicken ornament would have to be tied and nailed down or it would be swingin' on our tree! Hope nobody but the girls are sleeping in the coop.
That ornament is adorable!
Merry Christmas!! Love the tree!
Your christmas tree is BEAUTIFUL! Glad you got it back up. Loved reading your blog. Your chickens are beautiful too. Must be fun to raise chickens.
Your post is so funny and soooo true. I wished many many times that my husband would have just "listened" when I said . . . I am glad you didn't lose your cute little chicken ornament. Now I think I need a special chicken ornament since it is my first Christmas with them. Your tree is beautiful!
How could I NOT check out Dog Trot Farm..what a cute name..looks like we have alot in common..Love your tree and your sweet animals and love Tasha Tudor too...have her Christmas book sitting out in my kitchen right now...
I'll be following along...
you blog is beautiful....
Kary and Buddy
I'm so sorry you had a tree crash..and it was full of memories.
I like your little chicken ornament. I don't think I have ever seen one before.
Beautiful tree!
Just remember to stash a blanket out in the coop,... hee hee.... it truly is a lovely tree!
Oh that is just too funny but sad for your loss of tears. I'll bet he listens to you next year when you tell him it's crooked. You'll have years of warm memories from this sweet story. I'm glad your little chickie ornament survived, she's super adorable!!
Hugs to you dear friend~ Birgit
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