To aid in my mental health I decided to venture outdoors with the girls today hoping to make more progress in the task of uncovering my perennial beds. There is something about fresh air and warm dirt under your fingers that just makes "ya" feel good. My good intentions however, did not last long as it was just too "dang" cold, but the girls didn't seem to mind. I decided progress could be made indoors doing laundry. I really don't mind doing laundry, but my washers and dryer are in the "cellar" and one of the drawbacks of having the laundry in the cellar is the telephone always seems to ring every time I head down those stair. Today however, I clipped the phone to the back of my jeans. ( best tip I ever read from Martha Stewart is to own two washers). I continued about my day and completely forgot about the location of the phone. Laundry got completed, bed sheets got changed, dishwasher emptied. I was on a roll.

I decided to keep progress moving and do a little baking. While working in the kitchen I enjoy background noise and lately it is to the sound of Sweet Henny Penny. Today however, she was out with her sisters so I turned on the television. Well low and behold a blast from the past, Little House On The Prairie. Okay, I admit it I had a thing for Charles Ingalls. I really was not paying much attention to the show, but did over hear Caroline informing Charles that she was pregnant. Later on I caught the words being said by Dr. Baker "Caroline you are not pregnant, but going through "the change". Oh my Lord, they actually did an episode with Caroline Ingalls going through "the change"? I couldn't believe what I was hearing, was this being aired just for my well being?

Just then I became startled by the phone ringing, what did I do with the phone? I ran around the house looking- I knew it was close at hand but where? Okay, so I figured it out (doh!) when I sat down to indulge in a glass of milk and a Toll House Marble Square. I reminded myself if Caroline Ingalls can make it through this phase in her life why can't I? With that being said I am never bringing this subject up again. Nor am I going to clip the phone to my back side, it will just have to ring!
Seriously, I think that it was meant to be for you to see that particular episode at this time :) Yup, if good ol' Ma can go through it, so can we! I still love to watch Little House. It is always a comfort to me (like that big yummy toll house marble square). Enjoy the rest of your weekend! -Tammy
Oh for goodness sakes I'm always doing things like that. And who knew Caroline went through the change? I wonder where she is these days? The actress that played Caroline. They made a nice couple on the show.
Michael Landon was always such a cutie. How I loved Little House on the Prarie when I was a girl. Laura was about the same age as me.
You're right, it was freezing out yesterday! Lets hope for warmer weather today!!!
Not very far from here is Almonzo's and Laura's house. You get to see their house and a museum that even holds Pa's fiddle.
What surprised me most was the size of the house. Laura was not called half pint for nothing. Almonzo was short too.
Your post made me smile, lately every so often I suddenly feel like I am on fire and then it passes. I am a nurse and in the back of my head I am thinking you know what that is Laura, you ARE about to turn 47.. lol but denial is such a beautiful thing until you simply can't deny any more. You will get through it, but you talking about it makes me feel like I am not the only one. So every so often if you need to vent, please do!!
Glad to hear you are coping. I'm looking to you to lead the way for me in a few years! (But no pressure ;->, really).
How is Sweet Henny recovering from her pecking injury? Well, I hope. We ordered some additional chicks and are getting some Barred Rocks, I hope they behave!
You made me smile too with this post. I too used to watch Little House....and Mr Landon was definitely 'easy on the eye'. That happens to be my maiden name. I wish they'd bring that back on over here (easy watching)! (-:
Julie we have no phone in the house, only our pocket dialers and we have been known to shut them off.
If I would have had Little Pip and/or Sweet Henny Penny Men-ohhhhh-pause would have been a much easier ride. I didn't even have a kitteh to cuddle, just a Green Cheek Conure that plucked himself nekkid. I think he was having sympathy hot flashes. I ate my way through Men-ohhhhh-pause.
Don't tell us you aren't going to share your Men-ohhhhh-pause crazies!!
That is so funny, sorry I never knew that they did a episode like that on Little House. Oh my gosh. One thing I wanted to add that is good, is I have no more migraines. I haven't had one where as before I would be so sick for days and days. It seem like years I would have them every month. So now that they are gone, it is bliss. You have such pretty chickens!
I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. I guess it's because I can relate so well. Thanks again.
Oh, how funny - the phone thing, not Ma Ingalls going thru "the change"! I always clip my iPod onto the back of my pants when I'm jogging or even working around the house - I catch my arm in the cord less when it's clipped back there. But I'm sure it looks funny back there!
Well, so far I havent lost the phone while it was still attatched to least I'm not going to admit it! Very funny read Julie, and that Square looks WAY too good. You're doing good kiddo!
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