A friend of ours came for a visit last weekend and was surprised to learn that I was now a chicken keeper. I was filling him in on my and the girl's escapades, along with the tale of Charlotte's and Gladys' survival and miracle return from the grips of death.

It seems his mother too has been experiencing issues with Mr. Fox. Her Guinea population, once numbered fifty had dwindled to six. Her prize turkeys-two hens and two toms, now consisted of two hens. So those of you who were horrified at my mention of killing a fox, relax I couldn't kill it even if I wanted to. Our local fox population has proliferated to large numbers, are healthy and beautiful. To tell you the truth as far as I can see eating high off the hog. Whoops, better no say that hogs could be next! I'm just saying.
I was horrified at killing foxes when I lived in town and hadn't experienced the heartbreak of having your chickens savagely killed. Foxes will kill to just kill. I have watched them climb chicken wire to get high enough in broad daylight to jump in a chicken yard. They multiply so fast too. The year I moved here a Momma fox had six babies, We let them live, then they started doubling and then no chicken is safe. To have caught 28 at this point its so hard, when we just thought we had two.
That's too bad about the foxes getting in - is there a way to keep them away? Or maybe too expensive to provide that type of shelter for the hens? I've always wanted chickens....maybe one day....
Foxes, raccoons, mink and weasels - there should be a bounty!
I just wanted to say "Good Morning!" to Dog Trot Farm. And I hear ya Julie :)
Them hogs better watch their backs...maybe you can "cover" for them too Julie.
Oh my. We can imagine how much anxiety those foxes are causing y'all. Out here in Texas, we have our predators, but as far as I know no foxes. However, we have coyotoes, stray dogs, bobcats, possums, skunks, and raccoons, that will definitely kill our chickens. Our snakes and yes, even armadillos will eat eggs, but we've received excellent protection from our predator critters with our livestock guardian dogs. Our big white dogs have so far kept out all evil-doers and the boy living in the vicinity our 25+ hens is very chicken friendly and hasn't so much as looked cross-wise at the girls. He can be found close by the coops at night. Anyway, I've continued following your blog post-Gladys recovery. Take care out there. Ken and Mary of Fancy Fibers Farm, Texas
I lost 8 hens the other month....fox got into their hen house...but I couldnt be angry atit cos I left the door open....
nice to keep abreast of your news
We had a huge hawk circling the other day with the chickens squawking to beat the baqnd! I flipped out, running in the yard and waving my hands all over, screaming at him to scram. Hubby saw what was happening so he grabbed the broom and began waving it high, up in the air! We were a sight to see, for sure. Dang hawks. This one could easily take one of the chickens or one of my cats.
I have been catching up with reading and was so sad to hear about the senseless murder of one of your beautiful hens. It wasn't even for food. I am glad that you found Gladys and she is doing well. I know the feeling that you would like to kill the fox, I had that feeling too, when Olive was killed. But I could not really do it either. Anyway, there would just be another one waiting to takes it's place.
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