Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Warm days and cool nights are now but a faint memory here at Dog Trot Farm. The weather has changed yet again to" HAZY, HOT and STEAMY". I just knew the minute I purchased those Fall Mums this would happen. So, Sunday I headed out to the Island looking forward to sitting on my parent's deck waiting for the cool southerly breeze to embrace me, however not a breath of cool air was to be found. The Islanders are all abuzz about these strange weather conditions we are experiencing this summer. It is most unusual not to find a cool breeze somewhere on the Island, never mind that the temperature rose to eighty-nine degrees today-simply unheard of! It is a standing joke between my parents and myself, I am usually sweltering here at Dog Trot Farm while they have donned sweaters, closed windows and doors due to the cool damp air. It is not unheard of to wear flannel pj's and have an electric blanket on during the summer months. With all that being said, my dad and I went out and about searching for that allusive breeze. We did not discover one, but we did see this lovely Lilly pad....
which we discovered in the large pond Islanders refer to as the "marsh". This is the local skating pond for the Island community in winter. While admiring the Lily pads, watching turtles laze in the sun, far off in the distance we spied....
A Bald Eagle patiently waiting for his lunch....
We watched this majestic bird for quite some time, hoping to see him fly off in order to admire his wingspan however, the dining must have been quite prolific as we never saw him depart. But speaking of departing.... today I headed back to the mainland.
The water appeared so cool and inviting.... the water temperature today was sixty-six degrees.
The haze is hanging off in the distance.

As we entered Portland Harbor a cruise ship was docked in port for the day. The size of these ships simply amazes me, it is it's own floating city.
You can get an idea of the ship's enormity when sized up against the sail boats below.
As I entered Portland the temperature showed ninety-four degrees on the time and temperature building. It is hot and humid and I have had my fill of this weather (remind me of this post come December). You may be wondering why I did not extend my stay on the Island, well to be truthful it was due to this lovely lady....
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Great pictures! Love the Bald Eagle. I would love to visit Maine and know it would be amazing. Longing for that cool breeze here in WV too.
Amy-Verde Farm
Even I have to admit the weather is quite brutal. Thankfully we have a/c and the girls have it at school too, otherwise I'm not sure I could take it.
A Bald Eagle, lucky you!
I remember that one summer on Long Island when the temp was 105 degrees and your brother and I swam out to Uncle Lloyd's boat, we didn't have a ladder to climb up onto the boat and it was SO hot I remember burning my hands on the chrome!! That was the year we took the ferry to watch Jaws at the theater...and all I wanted to do was GET OUT of the water!!!
Love the Eagle Julie!! Hope the mums survive! Now I'm off to do some hauling....;-)
I know its sounds strange to be looking for the cool weather but I am right there with you. Where is that lovely fall breeze?? Normally we are complaining that summer is to short but Geez...this year it won't end!
And yes, we will be complaining about the cold winter soon! LOL
How blessed to live in such a paradise! And to visit again and again.
Thanks everyone for the kind comments. Someday I hope to own one of those fancy cameras with the nifty lens. Yes, Eve I can hear you laughing at me now, I still can't figure out the Canon G10- I'm hopeless. Sharon, do you offer lessons!
Not laughing Julie!! If you get pictures out of the G10 the new one will be a SNAP!!! hahahaha pun intended!!
Julie you are doing pretty dang well on your pictures with whatever you are using now! What a wonderful thing to see the Eagle trying to rustle up some lunch! It's been crazy hot and humid here too but we have a coldfront coming in tomorrow. Glad the girls are coping and have fun at the lake!!
I think your pictures are always works of art. I still think about your lighthouse one in the snow with the giant wreath on the outside. I love that picture. I think first what drew me here was your chicken stories but your pictures have just amazed me. Yes, I keep telling myself, remember December, but it doesn't help, I am tired of hot weather. 22 days till fall!!
Have a fun day at the lake.
Everyone I know is talking about the strange and unusal weather we have been having. Now that it is 9-1 I should be able to "smell" fall in the air but not yet. That is very strange. I wonder what the winter has in store for all of us.
Glad there wasn't any "fried" chicken when you arrived home.
I guess it would be boring if the weather was tooooo predictable! (-:
I'm glad your girls didn't become Kentucky fried while you were away Julie. I have Evie's temps on my desktop and am amazed at the hot weather she has been having down there even during the night! PHEW!
Oh my gosh, beautiful pictures! We have eagles here in the winter. I'm ready for the cooler temps too!
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