When the Golden Glows make their appearance in late summer, they remind me of a story my mother shared with me not so very long ago.

When I was a small girl living on the Island I had the good fortune to have my Great Grandparent's reside in the house next door. Grammy Eva and Grampy Herbert would arrive in early Spring and stay on till Fall. I can still smell the aroma of Grammy's homemade molasses cookies baking and fondly recall running across the dirt road one summer morning, whereupon Grammy would slice me a piece of her homemade bread and toast it on top of her old fashioned cook stove. Isn't it amazing what memories we keep, either evoked by sight or smell. When Fall made it's appearance my great grandparents would once again return to their apartment in Portland. One day when my mother and I were together she happened to spy a patch of Golden Glow's and shared this story with me "When Grampy Herbert saw the Golden Glow's begin to open it was his own personal signal It was time to leave the Island and return once again to Portland". Now I have Golden Glows in my garden, a tribute to my great grandparent's and all the wonderful memories they left me with.
Bounty from the garden this morning-one zebra zucchini....

one bowlful of sweet juicy grape tomatoes....

my bottle gourds....

and pumpkins.... which I am guarding with my life....

okay....my girl's are guarding for me....Miss Pip

LuLu....sleeping on the job....okay I'm giving the girl a break....remember she has egg issues....

Gladys....she spied those juicy tomatoes I picked....she's no fool....good job Gladys

That's right girls keep your eyes on my gourds....


My one and only Teddy Bear Sunflower....

The days are getting shorter....

Are you ready?

I am.
Wonderful memories and beautiful pictures! It is great that sights, sounds, and smells bring back memories.
I have to admit that fall is my favorite time of the year. I loved the story of your grandparents. Although it's still hot here (90s today) and humid, the sounds are starting to sound like fall. I heard the cicadas calling in the trees and tall grass. I can see the goldenrod starting to bloom, and it feels like any day now, the trees will start to put on their coats of many colors. Now if I could only get the temps to cooperate.
Beautiful photos, as usual. I too am eagerly awaiting fall - it's my favorite. That zucchini and tiny tomatoes will make a great pasta dish. As long as "the girls" don't get to them first!
Yes, I am ready. Love your pictures and your 'girls' are sweet!
oh how I love this story...my daughters live close...one behind me and one across the road. So my children/grandchildren are a part of my life everyday. I hope they have some fond memories of this when they grow up, I know they bring a lot of joy to my life. Thanks again, this made me smile...and the cookies sound wonderful. Linda
I love the pictures. Your garden looks great.
I am going to have to email you with questions regarding how to grow those bottle gourds. I have never tried to grow them, but I really would love to.
I love the pictures. Your garden looks great.
I am going to have to email you with questions regarding how to grow those bottle gourds. I have never tried to grow them, but I really would love to.
Good Saturday morning, Miss Julie. I like Fall, but I don't like the shortened days, and that it is a precursor to Winter. But the Indian Summer Days, seeing the farmers in the fields harvesting crops and their last cutting of hay - these are things I love about Fall. Wonderful photos in your blog today, especially the sunset scenes. Take care, from KY.
I'm not really ready but what choice do I have? It is some cool this morning! But the sleeping weather was excellent.
Glad to see the ladies are taking care of business and guarding all that is precious.
Love your special memories : )
Btw, I photographed that same sunset the other night!
1,708 eggs?!! Holy cow! Do you sell them?
Love the beautiful yellows, greens, red and orange in your pictures Julie. Sweet memories of summer and homemade bread and Fall being ushered in with the Golden Glow :) Your girls look good and fun to see Little Pip! Julie you really gave LuLu a name to fit her. I think I'm ready for Fall. I just don't want the time to move any faster, I don't want Fall to come and GO, I want the process to begin but I don't want the early darkness and the cold winter with no lovely flower faces and all the green gone. But I want to yank on a pair of jeans and some cowgal boots. I turn 59 in Fall. *Sigh* I am all befuddled as usual. Your sunsets are stunning. Enjoy your Dog Trot Farm Saturday Julie!
Ohhhhhh... I am so VERY ready for autumn!!! We had an unusually hot & humid summer here (as most of the US did) and some cool, crisp air would be a welcomed blessing for sure! Absolutely love all the pics you posted and enjoyed the story of the goldens... being a kid was so much fun! It's a shame I did not know that when I was a kid... LOL! ;-)
I loved that story, I love that your Grandfather took that as a signal to go back to the mainland. I grew up next door to my grandparents and my great-grandmother so I know the bitter sweet memories that fall can sometimes bring.
I am ready for fall too. We are having 100 degree weather every day about until the middle of September when the fair comes to town, but it seems to be harder on me than in the early summer.
All of your produce looks wonderful. Your chickens look good too.
I love the picture of your red sunset.
Love your beautiful pictures! What wonderful memories you have of your grandparents. I'm not looking forward to fall. That means winter is next, which I don't like. Hate being cold.
I was thinking about autumn today Julie...not sure if I'm ready tho. I should be. But I'm just hoping the winter is not as brutal as it was last year. I love the Golden Globes. I've never had any of those but I want them...wonder how they will do here in the hot sunny south? Well, I keep saying sunny but for me here it is the hot shady south. I love all your flowers and the girls are really doing a great job on the guarding. Please make birdhouses out of the gourds! I love them!!!
Ok I think I forgot to comment on a post below! Loved the story about the Grandparents!
By the time fall is really here, I'll be ready.
That was a lovely memory of your great grandparents.
julie, i love this post! my grandparents were from vermont and visiting them in the summer and at christmas are our fave childhood memories (my sis and i). i love molasses cookies! there is a telephone pole on the farm that sometimes gives off this old wood smell. i think of them...i was really young when they moved out of the farmhouse but that smell must have been a part of my childhood...maybe their old wood floors?
i love your tomatoes! no blemishes! you taught me something...that sunflower...want to get some for next year. and i am envious...i tried to grow pumpkins and i got several blooms, one tiny baby but it rotted...love pumpkins! thanks for this great post!
No I am not ready! I am never ready for winter. Although, I do love the other seasons.
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