Today I decided to purchase a few new primitive items to add to my Fall decor. However, with today's economy one needs to be mindful of each and every penny spent. So, I decided to give myself a monetary challenge- a spending cap of $12.00, yup you read that correctly. I know what you're thinking, can't purchase much for $12.00. Well, are you ready to come along on my spending excursion/challenge?

First stop The Dollar Store. Now, there have been many a time I have found "ZIPPO" at the Dollar Store- most often I just purchase gift bags and tissue paper, but today I found this white ceramic pumpkin....

along with one in a soft shade of teal and one in orange. All three are very nicely made.... and just look at this could I pass this guy up. You can never have too many crows (in my opinion) especially this time of the year.

Next stop The Christmas Tree Shop.... where I spied this little Jack-o-Lantern. This little primitive pumpkin has eye's that light and a smile so my cart he went.

one wooden candlestick with festive tag and ribbon.... a sweetly scented candle.

and then my favorite find of the day.... a pair of witches shoe's. I love these babies...and look at the bells....they are perfect....Oh, I just knew they were waiting for me....the only pair to be found.

So lets see how I did....
One crow $1.00
three ceramic pumpkins $3.00
one candle stick $2.99
one candle .50
witches shoes $3.99
Total: $11.48
In my opinion it was not only a successful challenge, but, if only I could do that well shopping at the grocery store....
Oh, Julie - I love the primitive pumpkin that has the eyes that light up - too neat! I wish I had your eye and talent for decorating. I don't even decorate for Christmas with being by myself and never have anyone over, I figure, what's the point, but I bet it sure would be cheery to decorate some! I'm really hoping I can do the rug hooking this winter, and do some wall hangings for the cabin to make it my own home - a homey feel. Good job on your finds - and thrifty at that, such finds you've got there! Take care, from KY - and thanks for stopping by and looking at my rocking chair. Take care, from central KY.
Wow - you did really well!! You got some great stuff!!
I absolutely love your witches shoes!! They are great!
What sweet finds! I love them all - I wonder what I'd find at our dollar store.......
If only I could buy that sort of thing in UK! I love your crow, like you I think you can never have too many:) The few crow items I possess have all come home with me from the US though. I shall have to pay another visit to my friend in NH next Fall I think!
Wow! Those are some awesome finds... and great prices! Groceries are where most of my money goes too...
Wow Julie!! I guess I've got to look for a Christmas Tree Shop around here!! Way to shop girlfriend!!!
Ooooh how I loved those shoes, and what sweet pumpkins, you always find the neatest things.
What wonderful bargains! I love the shoes.
I love them all! Those $1 pumpkins are fantastic, and those boots? They take the cake!! LOVE them! : )
It's always a surprise what you can find in a Dollar Store'.
OK, that is impressive. Great finds. I love our Dollar store, sometimes you do get lucky. The witch boots are my favorite!
You did well, my friend! How clever of you to put yourself on such a small budget and know exactly where to shop.
Seeing that spool used as a pillar candle holder gave me a great idea for my two large spools I have.
Thanks for posting!
Next time you're so close to me, stop by. :)
Hugs to you~ Birgit
Your shopping trip has inpired me to take time tomorrow and check out our dollar don't have a christmas tree shop but I'm sure I'll be able to improvise in some other of our thrift shops! Tks for sharing, your findings are super great! :-) Yvonne
You did GREAT! I love everything you purchased but like you, my favorite are the shoes. They are really cute. I bet your house looks so warm and comforting for fall. I'm inspired to head to the dollar store this evening :)
Amy at Verde Farm
julie, so cool! love the witch shoes the best but want that teal pumpkin!! wonder if our dollar store will have anything...hmmm, time to go see! get this, gumps in san fran is a high end shop and has hand blown pumpkins that are very very nice and very very expensive. $600! when we were in vermont, went to the christmas tree store in burlington and found look alikes for maybe $20! i was very proud of myself that day! ;)
Oh,Julie - how I wish I was talented enough to have sewn that quilt on my blog this morning, but it is an Amish quilt that I found the photo of free on the Internet. Maybe over the Winter, when I'm not learning how to knit and rug hook, I'll learn about sewing and quilting. There is a lady's Homemaker's club that meets in Liberty - so I may head on in to town when we're not working on the farm, and see if the ladies can teach this non-crafty gal some things. LOL = take care, from central KY.
Love the shoes. I want some.
I love it ALL Julie! The shoes are the bestest though, but that sweet smile on that pumpkin is darling too. That pumpkin needs a name. Those ceramic pumpkins are just too cool too, accckkk I am serious I love it ALL!!
Oh the witch's shoes are by far my favorite, and even an ol' cheapskate like me would have been thrilled with the price.
I was at a church sale recently and for 50 cents picked up a pair of black pointy little girl shoes and will have to fashion my own. By the time I add bells and ribbons and maybe a toy frog, you might have come out ahead of me.
So fun! That's a great idea for a challenge for yourself...and I know all the stuff in Christmas Tree Shoppe is from China, which bums me out...but I can't help myself there either. I usually pick up a cute thing or two while I'm there. I might have to make a little trip over there now that I'm thinking of it...hmmm...
~Vonnie, NH
I have those pumpkins too!
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