"I cannot endure to waste anything as precious as Autumn sunshine by staying in the house.
So I spend almost all daylight hours in the open air.~Nathanial Hawthorne."

Perfect words for a perfect day. Fall Asters remain in bloom in the perennial bed.

A touch of Fall color can now be seen in the treeline along our dirt driveway.

The lamp post is now decorated for Fall. I just love my lantern, it was a birthday gift from my parents. Thank you Mom and Dad, it blends in nicely here at Dog Trot Farm.

Mums are in full bloom....I ask you how can anyone not love Mums?

Mrs. Scarecrow is now in place, wardrobe courtesy of Goodwill.

I do hope your Saturday was as lovely as mine. These are the days we savor, attempting to get all our Fall chores completed before the cold weather sets in...boy does time fly....I do believe my Grandmother was correct when she said "the older you get the faster time goes" Amen to that....
Hey how did you get my dress on that scarecrow?? Just kidding but I think I had one like it. :)
It all looks so pretty, I like the picture of the trees that are changing color in the distance.
It looks like you have had a nice day.
I like your lantern covered in corn stalks. I have two green trash cans filled with corn stalks that I tore out today. Maybe I should rethink them and do some
It is over 90 today and the A.C is back on, drat, fall will come soon
Your photos make me wish I lived on Dog Trot Farm. Beautiful mums and cute scarecrow! I bought the ingredients today to make your pumpkin bread tomorrow!
I can't wait to taste it!
And now that you're done decorating maybe you can come to my house and spruce it up a little bit! It's just a short drive ; )
I love all of it! To me today was definitely not the perfect fall day. It was hot and humid. I stayed inside with the a/c running.
I say Amen to your Grandmother's words. My childrend have mentioned that to me in recent years and I said it goes faster each year. On a beautiful day Fall like today was I try to remember to savor the days.
The temperature here was in the low 80's and the only reason I managed to keep a smile on my face as I went about my chores was knowing tomorrow was to be cooler. I just don't understand how people in the South can can live with heat and humidity!
We dug potatoes and leeks and the last beets today - the tomatoes are still ripening but I don't have much hope for them. I think there'll be a lot of green tomato relish.
I love your lamp post too! I many just copy its decoration on ours.
Looks like a perfect day indeed! Your fall decor is just beautiful. I love your lantern post. PIctures are gorgeous! Grandmothers are smart folks:)
Hey Julie,
Your comments cracked me up! I would say hey, come on over and help me decorate and we can hang out with my chickens. I would even let you name them. :)
But, alas, I am in California, all the way across this great nation of ours. Someday I will visit that lovely state of Maine. It is on my bucket list.
Thanks so much you made my day.
I live in central nh it was a wonderful day. Not much like september. your decorations are wonderful. I spent the day hanging laundry in the warm sun.
Hi Julie - I had to really crack-up at your scarewoman - she is a beaut! We had a lovely Indian Summer day yesterday here in central KY, low humidity, and high temps in the 70s, with a nice breeze - perfect blue skies, a few passing clouds - can't get any better than that, tho it is very dry here, but they are calling for rain on Mon and Tues, just in time for my rescheduled move, alas! Take care.
Your yard is lovely. I think need to redo my outside fall decor. The wonderful thing about blogging is that you get to see first hand creative people's work. Thanks for sharing.
Dad told me the exact same thing. Absolutely beautiful garden.
Wow - I would like some fashion tips from Ms. Scarecrow over there! Great outfit!
I see a hint of color change in the trees around here too! Your Miss Scarecrow is awesome!
I have to agree Julie. Who could not love those Mums. Such a splash of welcome colour at this time of year! I also happen to love my Mum (Mom)! (-:
That is the fanciest scarcrow I've ever seen! LOVE HER!!! Everything is beautiful!! If I had a million I'd hire you to be my landscaper Julie!!! Wouldn't that be SO FUN!!!!
Beautiful, festive pictures just perfect for fall! We enjoyed the day outside digging up the last of our carrots, potatoes and garlic and final pumpkin stragglers.
The vegetable bed has been tilled and put to rest for yet another long, cold Maine winter.
It was a beatuiful day for working outside.
Love your outdoor decor and Mrs. Scarecrow is just darling!
Blessings to you~ Birgit
great scaregirlcrow! good idea going to goodwill! checked out a dollar store and no pretty pumpkins. everyone is telling me there is canned pumpkin in the stores, gotta go look. glad you have some. made cookies the other day...love pumpkins!!! and love your lantern...very very nice!
OOOOOOh she is so cute Mrs. scarecrow needs a Mr. scarecrow to keep her company. Lamppost looks so festive. I love all of your fall decorations.
I just love fall! And I love decorating for fall. Your stuff is wonderful! Thanks for sharing!
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