llamas....this llama appeared all aglow with the afternoon sun shining in on her. Teeth such as these usually mean he or she is an older llama. Stunning nonetheless....beauty is in the eye of the beholder....
and sheep....
lots of sheep....trying to be kept clean.... just waiting to enter the showing ring....
a handsome boy....
draft horses....the gentle giants....a personal favorite....
draft ponies.... some with the most beautiful well kept tails I have ever seen...If only my hair could look that good....
a farmer accompanied by his little boy.... eager and willing to help out his dad with afternoon chores....you learn early when you live on a farm....
stalls are meticulous....
this lady appears to be day dreaming the afternoon away....just watching the world go by....something I tend to do way too much of....
.... a pretty girl....with dark dewy eyes....

be still my heart.... a miniature donkey....I do believe I could fit him in my Subaru....I did bring a cage with me....just in case...unfortunately for me he was not for sale, psst...don't tell my DH I did write down the phone number to the farm....just in case.... I mean, you never know.... right?....
Thanks for a lovely time girls, I look forward to seeing you next Fall....tomorrow my post will be on fowl....oh, the fowl....remember I mentioned I bought a cage with me....
be still my heart.... a miniature donkey....I do believe I could fit him in my Subaru....I did bring a cage with me....just in case...unfortunately for me he was not for sale, psst...don't tell my DH I did write down the phone number to the farm....just in case.... I mean, you never know.... right?....
How great! I usually go to Deerfield Fair when I'm in the US - I love seeing all the crafts and the animals. I also love the fried dough with cinnamon sugar....Mmmmmmm! Nothing like it in UK, probably just as well or I'd be like the side of a house:)
Next to chickens, I would love to have a Jersey Cow. Think of the good stuff you could make with fresh cream and butter and all of that stuff, That is the one thing I would love to have but know I will not. Now that miniature donkey might be pretty nice to have. I bet I could just put him in my shed. :)I enjoyed your trip to the fair.
Guess I'm a little braver than you, I can't go to the fair without having some fried dough, LOL. We wanted to go on Monday, Woodmen's Day, but we had other commitments I hope to go before the end of the week.
Looks like a very fun day out Julie. Looking forward to tomorrow already..... (-:
Your fair looks similar to the Topsfield Fair that I attended over the weekend. Aren't fairs a blast? I think the animals are the best part. If I had the room I would love a mini donkey. My picture taking was hampered by the huge crowd of fair goers. Glad you got some nice photos though. I had a nice visit today.
Jersey cows are so sweet and tiny, Id love one!
Julie, would you like a big ole rooster for your ladies? hes an americauna, has the blue/green egg gene! hes friendly but doesnt like Delilah...so he needs to go! or i have a couple other little boys that I need to rehome, exotic breeds, I know youd love them!
Great contestants and great shots. I kinda have a weakness for horses, so those were my favorites.
Melissa, Thanks for the offer, however my coop is full!
Looks like a great fair! I love that llamas teeth--how sweet is that? I feel certain I could find you a donkey near where you live and definitely think you should have one! :)
I too love the fryeburg fair. My daughter is in Conway so she goes a couple of times. But don't forget the sandwich fair this weekend. It is a nice small country fair. Looking forward to your fowl post.
Hi Julie. I am looking forward to seeing what might have come home with you in your cage! I had a cage "on standby" for the Common Ground Fair but any of the birds that I was interested in were not for sale and the ones that were for sale were being sold in pairs or trios-or were not chickens!
Everybody needs a donkey!
I love fairs, and your pictures of the draft horses are my favorites. I did make it to Maine for two short days and then had to leave because I got really sick. Started out with a cold and went to bronchitis so quickly. I had to get home and get some meds and serious bed rest. I was so disappointed not getting a chance to meet you. Will you please send me your address? I brought you something I wanted to give you in person, but now I have to mail it.
That looks like a wonderful fair. That is a mountain of shavings for the stalls! I love the Jersey Cow and the donkey! They have the sweetest faces!
Now that's my kind of fair Julie!! Love the photos and now I'm going to check on the fowl!!!!
A donkey would be so happy at Dog Trot Julie!
A donkey - be still my heart! I almost had one last year but fate stepped in, in the form of a knowledgeable person who reminded me that the donkey would outlive me and would need to have plans in place for his care after my...ahem....departure.
I enjoyed all of your fair photos! I love looking through all the beautiful show poultry at our state fair each year (which happens to be the same day as the donkey & mule shows ... how perfect is that?) -Tammy p.s. did you call about donkeys? ;)
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