There is nothing like Fall in New England. The once green foliage has now begun to show signs of yellow, red and orange. Orchards everywhere are abundant with apples, cider, gourds and pumpkins. If you are lucky your visit to an apple orchard may coincide with the on site making of fresh cider donuts and hot spiced apple cider, a simple Fall delight.

Fall in Maine also means "buttoning up" the family camp for the season.

The raft is pulled in to the beach and secured. Inside, the refrigerator is emptied, mouse traps laid, pipes drained and wood stacked. This all takes place before the middle of October, cold weather comes quickly to the hills of Denmark Maine.

If you happen to stand on the beach in front of the camp and look southerly, high in the hills is a gazebo. A gazebo which has remained hidden in our failed attempts to find it. On this most glorious October day DH and I decide to make another grand attempt.

In the above photo these is a little bit of ledge in the center, the allusive gazebo proudly stands anticipating our arrival.

Up into the hills we go, traversing on winding dirt roads- finally we come upon our first clue "hikers welcomed." It appears as though we are trespassing, however, we have been informed hikers are welcomed. After a few moments we spy the gazebo standing alone in the clearing. Such a welcoming sight to behold.

High in the hills it rests.

Standing guard over Hancock Pond. We sit and marvel at the breathtaking views while enjoying our lunch. Someone spent a tremendous amount of money not only building the gazebo which as you can see is located in a remote area, but also had electricity brought to it as well. If you notice in the below photo, a sandbar on the left hand side- there sits our family camp.

It truly is a breathtaking view....

one I hope to come back and enjoy again and again....

ah, the simple joys in life- I do believe are those which make us the happiest....
What a beautiful spot. The kindness of the people who are responsible for building such a lovely structure, for the pleasure of strangers is incredible.
Wow Julie...I can't took my breath away with this one!
Wouldn't that be a wonderful place to get married? Such a perfect view!
Aren't you lucky, Julie. A place by the lake, a place by the ocean, and a beautiful home. It doesn't get better than that!
Beautiful is an understatement.
Breathtaking no other words needed.
Wow! Definitely worth the trip! Thank you for sharing these pics with us... they are all absolutely gorgeous!!!
That is the coolest thing. A secret gazebo in the woods - What a wonderful discovery. Great photos.
Oh my gosh. I am completely awestruck...the gazebo, the breathtaking's almost too much for words. Thank you so much for sharing these photos!
It has taken me two days to get back here. Those pictures are just breath taking and the views, only in a dream.
I dream of someday coming to New England in the fall. I love pictures of your family camp. Such a bunch of gifts. I love the picture of the row boat on the shore. I love the pictures you capture. So beautiful
I have enjoyed my visit very much.
Yes, it is the simple things that make me the happiest :0) Beautiful photos of our wonderful state of Maine.
How wonderful! Your camp looks like laughter and sunshine to me. My husband and I are actively looking for a camp. But it needs to be with in a certain milage from our house in NH. We are looking to Maine for this camp. and I do mean camp. I want it to be a magnet for my family and friends. I am a Maine girl born and raised it will be nice to have property in Maine again. That gazebo is just beautiful.
thank you for your kind comment on my hobby or is it obsession?
such pretty pics and the gazebo is so cool! but lonely all the way up there! you are so right about new england falls, they are the best. your peak should be about over soon...? the farm here just gets yellow and rusty, no pretty sugar maples, etc.
oh yes, that looks like heaven on earth.....just beautiful.....smiles, Linda
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Julie! The Autumn colors are stunning. How fun for you and your hubby to have lunch at the gazebo. No restaurant could beat that view! What a wonderful day :)
Sooooo beautiful! We don't really get a lot of color in Oklahoma. And what we do get doesn't last long. Thanks for sharing.
I have to agree with Evie. Just jaw droppingly beautiful there and what a stunning place to have a hidaway! WOW!
Every picture is just breathtaking! What a wonderful place to get away to. So glad you were able to find that gazebo as well and rest a bit after your hike. What a wonderful little corner of the world!
Blessings~ Birgit
ps. Mark your calendar for Nov. 5th & 6th. Open House!!
Someday, oh, yes, oh, yes, oh, yes! I want to travel to your land and see it burst into spring and color up for fall!
What an absolutely breaktaking and beautiful location. I would want to go back again and again too.
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