If I were being honest I would tell you that I am a home body.... plain and simple. I enjoy being at home.... I take delight in everyday tasks.... in hanging sheets in the cool fall air.... I cannot sleep on sheets that have been dried in the dryer....line fresh for me.... regardless of the season. I confess I have a special relationship with my vacuum....Instead of beginning my day with a cup of coffee.... I vacuum.

I find watching my chickens far more interesting than anything I can locate on television....well.... unless I can find an old rerun of "Little House On The Prairie." I usually read two books at a time.... one upstairs.... one down....

For me there is a simple satisfaction in retiring the garden for winter.... or finding one last bloom for the canning jar I use for a vase.... then there are my projects....I love projects....do you recall the little side table I found at "Goodwill" for $5.00?

I gave it a good sanding....a coat of paint....choice of color .... Colonial Mustard....

a second application of paint.... then the Briwax....ta da....I love the end result of my new "to me" side table....

my smiling "Jack".... well.... he gives the table a festive flare.... my favorite colors....orange and black....favorite outfit....apron- muck boots-jeans....

favorite indulgence....Vera Bradly Bags....Keene Shoes....Drakes Devil Dogs....Books....I love the smell and feel of a book....to me a book is like an old friend....one that I can take from my bookshelf and read over again....Okay.... so I have come clean....these are some of my simple delights....how about sharing some of yours?
Oh how I love that table. It is just spectacular. Honestly--you've outdone yourself and I think the decorations are terrific.
I love simple things too and your sheets on the line are wonderful. As for me, I love a candle that makes the house smell good and my swiffer electric sweeper :)
The table looks great. I love books too and the smell of biscuits coming out of the oven, and warm fluffy socks. Oooooh and sitting quietly by the ocean and listening to the water lapping on the shore.
I LOVE the table! So cute! How does the BriWax work? Is that what leaves the darker bits?
I've found an old painted cupboard. The paint is flaking a bit, would BriWax preserve it? I may need a consult!
What a lovely post. I love your table it turned out so nice. Well of course you know watching chickens, sewing, as soon as it gets cool enough for a fire, sitting in front of it and dreaming. I love going to the library. My favorite day of the week is Tuesday, when I go walk the aisles looking for books. I do like cleaning house and I do like washing windows. I think having a clean house is my very favorite thing.
But best of all right now is when I lock the doors and for now and maybe a short time, my four children are save inside.
Thanks for your comments, you make me laugh and I won't mention sizes anymore. :)
What a great table! I love it.
I need to sleep on line-dried sheets, can't abide less-than-freezing-cold milk, love soft leather slip-on shoes, down-filled cushions, dark roast coffee, polishing silver and copper and watching my hens.
You have done magic with that table! Love it!
Great post! I'm a simple person too... a sunshiney breezy autumn day by a lake does it for me... any baked or slow cooked aroma wafting through the house...
That table looks fantastic! Love the color. I too read two books at a time. Always have one going in the bedroom and one in the living room. We unplugged years ago, the chickens keep us entertained. You have a beautiful life there ~Blessings~
Hi Julie - since I've moved, I love to listen to the coffee pot perk on the wood cookstove, and to sit on the front porch in my $15 rocking chair, and listen to the cows graze across the way. It's so quiet in the valley that I can hear the cows pull the grass up into their mouths, and snort and chew - and of course, the occasional MOO! So many simple things to be thankful for,and for friends who adore simplicity as well. Take care, Julie - from Casey Co KY.
I too am a homebody, I like to run any errands first thing in the morning. Love my coffee first thing in the morning, days that I don't have to leave at all, quilting or just puttering around the house.....I love a clean house, but I must confess it is not a top priority. Hope that gives you a little peak into my "real" self, LOL.
I have three books going at all times and love to read magazines.
Sush a cute blog! it made me smile :) A lot of those things are true for me too, Ive restored a few things from the old spiller farm, theyre now in our bedroom. Just painted my new coop, and put decor in the window box for fall. I love watching my chickies scratch, even though they make a terrible mess of lisas gardens! and I love looking at the fall colors on the trees, and wishing a camera could caprture their intensity...
I would be simply delighted if I was just like you Julie! I love that table, wish I had your smarts and passion!
PS I know what you're thinking......I would much rather be able to fix up an old table like that, than hike up a blog sidebar!!!! hahahahaha!
I just love your table, the end result is the color I tried to get for my family room trim. Where do you get the Briwax? I can see your stencil also very nice. and your floor is what? Simple things... I love snowy days that I have no reason to leave the house. I feel so warm and cozy,I usually accomplish that one project I have wanted to do. I always hang my sheets on the line all year. I love books, Meeting up with a friend for coffee, A home cooked dinner with family. My great splurge is always beautiful hand dyed wool. Great post!
Julie the table turned out wonderful! It is darling with Jack sitting on the bottom shelf.
Simple Delights! I love being outside whenever I can just listening to all the sounds of what season it happens to be. I love my jeans too and my paddock boots. After a hot summer I can't wait for cooler weather for boots and jeans :) I love horse ridin' boots and have more than I should but I wear em all and enjoy them, they last me forever. I love a fall fire, books too, gotta have some chili with peanut butter, chicken and homemade noodles and some pumpkin bars with cream cheese frosting. Sitting on the porch, walking in the woods....I could go on and on but I won't :)
Great post!!!
I would have never thought of choosing that colour, but you know, I just love it! And it's perfect for fall too.
I have always been a homebody but since moving to the country, am even more so, although I didn't think it was possible. I hate leaving each day, I really do. I love to snuggle in front of the fire, and read or crochet while something delicious is baking in the oven and if we're surrounded by snow, all the better!
Oh oh! Homebody here too :) I love how your table turned out! Hmmm... a few of my simple delights: Ariat Fat Babies, new beads for creating, walks in the autumn woods, and I love me some fresh ground coffee on the weekends. -Tammy
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