I am going to begin my post by saying....my name is Julie and I am an addict....a sugar addict that is. My love for anything sweet is beginning to become a problem.... my love for baking, with mindless and stressed induced eating (thank you Winslow Homer) is not helping this matter. My size ten jeans are becoming rather snug. I do own a pair of size twelve however, they have been relegated to the rear of the closet and I rather not let them see the light of day!

This too is not helping....when the weather began turning cold my girlfriend invited me over for a mug of hot cocoa, I happily accepted. I walked in the door and there on the counter was a hot cocoa machine. After just one mug of this frothy cocoa I was hooked. I had never heard of this type of machine, but instantly knew I would be on the hunt for one. The brand was Mr. Coffee. I searched Amazon and they were completely sold out. I searched several stores in my area and discovered there was none to be found. However, on Tuesday I made my weekly trip to Goodwill and low and behold sitting on a shelf in the rear of the store a Back To Basics Cocoa~Latte machine. It was calling my name and just waiting for my little hands to grab her. The price $2.99! I took this baby home, ran the top portion through the dish washer and we were good to go.

There is no other was to say hot cocoa from a cocoa machine is simply a divine indulgence.

It certainly is not helping my craving for sweets, but it sure tastes good while enduring a long cold winter's day. I do wish you were all here to share a mug with me, Winslow Homer would certainly enjoy your company. BTW If anyone has a tried and true method to aid in one's addition to sugar I sure would be ever so grateful to hear from you! Have a great day everyone.
Got Marshmellows?
I have never heard of a hot cocoa machine and you found one at good will that is just amazing. No I do not know how to get away from sugar except by cold turkey. I don't do the fake sugars either because of the things they do to my heart. So it has to be cold turkey. I know about the tight jeans problem. My daughter bought me some really nice boots for Christmas and I had to wait to loose weight to be able to get my jeans back on. I refuse to buy 12s too.
I finally got back into my jeans this weekend. Oh the agony of the after Christmas blues. I eat too when I am stressed.
I hope someone leaves you a good tip on how to get away from sugar.
Love your new machine. :)
Congratulations on your find :) I know what you mean...I have a major sweet tooth as well...my motto is "Life's too short, Eat Dessert first!"
Hi Julie,
What a great deal for $2.99. Hot cocoa on a winters day is heaven. Don't feel bad, I had to dig out my "fat" pants from the closet after Christmas.
I think you will find many, many of us share your addiction. Personally, I see no escape so I am learning to accept it! LOL
What an awesome find and at my #1 favorite store! Now I will be on the lookout for this machine as well. I will love it and my grand kids will love it, too!
I LOVE when I find something I was looking for Goodwill, I haven't been to one in quite some time since the local one closed and the next closest one is 20 minutes away. I have the same problem with sugar, I love sweets and my jeans are not very comfortable these days! I'll be checking back to see what suggestions other have for you about this problem. Meanwhile, stay warm and enjoy your Hot Chocolate.
I so understand the calling of sweets.It's also my downfall.
I'm a sugar addict too and have yet to find a way to control it!! Love hot chocolate!
I've noticed that a lot of people are talking about diets and calories this week and weight gains over the holidays. I too have a sweet tooth but for some reason, I don't care for sweet drink and I don't know why, however I'm not complaining but I too gained a few pounds over the Holidays...
Wow, I can't believe the price. What a bargain. Obviously someone gained too much weight with that machine and had to get rid of it at any cost. Be careful, you want to keep those pants in the back of the closet. JB
I just discovered you through Verde Farm.
I, too, am a sugar addict and love to bake. I, too, wear a size 10 that is becoming a little too snug. But I am so weak for baked goods, along with bread and butter!
How ironic that the GW store had a cocoa latte machine!!! Almost bizarre!
I'll visit again :)
Never heard of those machines, but, I better not get one. I too am a sugar addict. I LOVE sweets, always have, always will...if you figure out how to cure this craving, let me know. Now, I am going to make me a cup of hot chocolate....Linda
no way could I have that in my house. I love hot chocolate and I treat myself to a spiced chai once in awhile and if I knew I had a machine to make it yummy I would be so huge. on another note,when we were in portsmouth we went to savers a super store of thrifting. I did not love it way to super store for me. But should I want one of those I would head there.
have you been?
What a great buy! I've never used one before, but it sure looks interesting. Have a great weekend, Dawn
Hi Julie,
Wow, I think we need to start a sugar addicts anonymous as your lead suggests! LOL Yes, it's in everything we buy now days too!
My only suggestion is to be more aware of how much is in the food we buy. This time of year I think our bodies crave sugar and the carbs. And we tend to hibernate and not burn off the calories! Yep, we all know what to do........ but I don't do it either... a little sugar for the nerves I say!! LOL
Thank-you for stopping my blog and your sweet words of encouragement on my classes coming up! I wish you were closer too........ how great would that be! We would have a blast in class I'm sure. We could compare notes on our little diabetic doggies too!
Hang in there!
Cathy G
What a find. I need to get to a goodwill and fast. If I were going to say that I have an addiction it would be to salt. Chips, popcorn, nuts!! I like hot chocolate but I love coffee more. My daughter on the other hand would go crazy for this machine.
You know I can't help you Julie! And only you could find just what you were looking for. See more talent!! hahaha Hey, we found ginger marshmallows and put them in our hot chocolate...MAN was that good!!!
I've never heard of this machine - but I'd love to have one!
Julie, had no idea a hot chocolate machine even existed but now that I do-I am on the hunt. You amaze me with your thrift finds. How in the world is the very machine you are looking for on the shelf for 2.99. You are one lucky lady. I wish I could come over and have a cup and put WH and talk the day away :)
HI Julie,
I think the only thing that works for the sugar addiction for me is this...get off the sugar totally, but allow yourself fruit when you have a sweet craving...small bits of dried fruit if you're having an especially tough craving, but otherwise fresh and juicy...after about 3 weeks, I start to lose the craving somewhat...and believe me when I tell you, I've got the mother of all sweet tooths! Also, I eat 85% cocoa Lindt bars squares to take over the chocolate addiction, barely any sugar but really rich chocolate flavor, it's enough to keep me sane when the monster cravings strike. Good luck! And a cup of spiced chai tea with a splash of milk might work for you instead of cocoa, I love the stuff. ~Vonnie, NH
Oh Honey, I'll be right over with some big old Jet Puffed marshmallows!!!
God bless ya and have a marvelous day sweetie!!!
Oh Julie I know how you feel...at least about the size 10's feeling snug. No I have never tried hot chocolate from one of those gadgets...now I'm afraid to as I don't have any size 12 jeans for backup! Good luck with your jeans...but have a hot chocolate for me...they sound SOOOO good! Enjoy your day.
Maura :)
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