SNOW....three inches of the fluffy white stuff fell silently throughout the night. The Arctic cold temperature however, subsided somewhat today allowing the girls ample opportunity for a quick jaunt through their snow blown paths. A mad dash was seen back to the coop where warm cranberry bread was waiting- yes I love to spoil my girls.

The hot chocolate machine that I discovered at Goodwill has been in full use, what a buy I got for $2.99!! I do admit to the fact that I have been consuming more than my fair share of hot chocolate each day. Ghirardelli's sweet ground chocolate and cocoa is so decadent, but oh so satisfying. Accompanying my hot chocolate was my rug hooking, progress has finally been made in the hooking department. I have finished hooking a mat, a Payton Primitives design. This evening I hope to get the binding pinned and with a little luck completed next week. I need to inquire, am I the only rug hooker who hates this part of the rug hooking process? If you have any tips or suggestions I would be more than happy to receive them.

On a quick note, thank you one and all for the kind and thoughtful comments offered in regards to my post on Winslow Homer. From the bottom of our hearts we thank you. We are so fortunate to have such caring blogging friends, blessings from snowy Maine. ~Julie and Winslow Homer~
The rug looks wonderful. Love the colors. And you are not alone - I don't like the binding part either but my News Years resolution was not to start a new project until the last was totally bound and finished. Good luck.
Julie--so cold! Glad you didn’t get more than 3 inches--you have so much already. I love your mat--it’s beautiful. I really want to learn. How long did it take to do this one mat?
Stay warm,
I did my first tiny mat today and I hated every single second of it. I couldn't get it smooth like I see people do and I fought with it and finally I just gave in and let the chips fall where they may. I have huge rug in my closet that I need to do, I just haven't the want to yet.
I figured out I just need to get over just do it. You are not alone. :)
Your mat is really pretty though.
I love your are not alone with your dislike of the finishing process. Have you tried whip stitching the edges with wool instead of using binding? I learned how at Camp Wool and I find that easier to do. Good luck...stay warm!
Oh my goodness - those temps are horrible! What great days for rug hooking and hot chocolate, plus a darling little companion dog. Enjoy, Dawn
I love your Rug it is so pretty! Cheri
The rug is very nice! Have not heard of Payton Primitives, will have to look them up.
Julie, it looks too dang cold there...brrrr. Love the rug!
brrrr!! Hope spring gets there soon Julie! I love the mat. Such pretty colors. Stay warm!
Your rug is just darling, I love the colors. And yes binding is my least favorite thing about rug hooking. But at least when it is done we have the job complete.
You all are way to cold we are suppose to be in the 50's today but winter is coming back Monday and Tuesday.
Julie, This mat is beautiful. I love the colours. Makes me think I really need to get back to my little beginner project.
Happy Friday ~Andrea~
Hope you are enjoying the cranberry bread in the frosty mornings as well. We all spoil our pets. My ducks get fresh spinach every morning when they can't get out for greens!!
Drinking hot chocolate and rug hooking sounds like the perfect way to spend a snowy winter's day. And warm cranberry bread? I think I'll come and be one of your hens!:)
I would love to tast your chickens eggs. They must be so yummy.
binding a rug is a drag and I think I may do it diffrent than anyone else because I just can't figure out what others are doing. Did you whip the rug? I rarely whip I hate the process. but when I do I do not put any twill binding tape or wool on it. I put the cord and roll the backing around the cord. then whip, I have no raw edges showing. When I put on the twill binding I do it before I start hooking as the rug gets to heavy to handle to put it on at the end. I was taught by a older lady and she didn't like the whipping so I think I that is where my opinion of whipping comes from. I do love your piece though a great job.
Great news on Winslow.
Girl - you know you're not alone on hating the binding part of the process. I think more dislike this part than enjoy it.
Now for a solution - take it down front and trade your neighbor - eggs for binding - you know she'll do it for nothing though ;)
Love your rug! You are very talented.
I'm not crafty but do like your rug.
I have a flock of chickens and prefer they get out during the day regardless of the weather. I sweep their pen and throw straw, hay and cracked corn down. They don't mind walking on the straw and hay and actually eat some of the hay.
Love the rug and hot chocolate sounds soooo good right now! Glad to hear Winslow Homer is doing better :)
Holy Hannah, that is cold!!!
Beautiful rug...something I could never do.
Glad WH is doing better.
Stay warm and safe.
I just started reading your blog not to long ago, and I just wanted to say that I love your chicken stories, and Mr Winslow Homer is just a precious little man! I hope his health continues to improve! God bless you and yours!
Hi dear, I see now that your fabulous puppy has had health problems, I regret very much ...
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