Saturday found my husband and myself on a find a replacement for a butter dish that he accidentally dropped and which proceeded to smash to smithereens. This was the "backup" butter dish to my Currier and Ives dishes. The main butter dish he "offed" years ago....This is why I collect duplicates of certain items. My husband is what you would call "heavy handed." Now, when I first began collecting these dishes they were down right cheap....I found them for a "song and a dance" a dinner plate was $2.00 and I clearly recall the butter dish was $5.00. To date the dinner plate is now anywhere from $12.50-$22.00 dollars and the butter dish $45.00 dollars and up! By the information on this sign below you would have thought we scoured many countries looking for this allusive dish. Alas.... this famous sign is found in Western Maine. Our search however.... was a bust.... not a butter dish to be found....not on this day anyway. But I did find a great old chicken book.... tomorrow I will share it with you.

We did however, see lots of turkeys....I have a fondness for turkeys....I think they are beautiful....

but very indecisive. You can never predict when and if one might end up on your windshield.

Early in the Fall a group of turkeys gathered in my backyard. The turkeys slowly made their way over to the chicken coop and just stood by the girls' pen.... each group was eyeing one another. My girls and this flock of birds stopped what they were doing .... stood perfectly if sizing one another up.... then it was over....each went about their girls back to scratching the earth and the turkeys marching off into the woods.
I was given another crafted work of art from my dad.... this time a pine candle box....oh how I like getting these kinds of gifts. I painted the box a shade of mustard.... gave it a good sanding.... scuffed it up and applied a coat of Briwax. Turned out my liking that is.

Here is the candle box all trimmed out in it's primitive finest.... a few candles, greens, crow and of course feathers....I can't wait to see what's next on my dad's woodworking project list....I am always a happy recipient of anything he crafts....If it's not perfect all the's Primitive.

This pair of shutters I found for .50....

This afternoon I gave them a coat of fresh paint.... once dried

off to the bathroom window they will go. Well, I hope everyone had a great weekend and a productive one....oh by the way....If you happen to find a butter dish please let me know!
I will be on the lookout for that butter dish. The box your dad made is wonderful and you decorated it up perfectly. Love it! The shutters--awesome. Can’t wait to see them in your bathroom :)
Too bad the butter dish is being elusive. Hope you find one! Looks like you've been keeping busy.
I love the candle box, especially all decorated. The shutters were a real bargain too. Good for you!! Good luck with the butter dish, you might check out Ebay. Hope Winslow is well and happy!!
Wow those wild turkeys are odd looking in black! Have never seen so many together, back in Indiana you might see one or two. Love the shutters you scored!! Those were cheap!!
I had a great weekend, thank you!
I'll have a look up here for a Currier and Ives butter dish - sometimes things are much cheaper at the opposite side of the continent.
Love the shutters!
No pictue of the butter dish? Or one like it? Who knows.... one of your readers could have an extra or know where one might be obtained.
I'll keep my eyes open for a butter dish, there are three antique malls in our little town, plus I have "pickers" out there for me. You are a lucky girl to have these handmade things from your dad, cherish every one of them! Have a great week, Dawn
check for the butter dish.
I just saw a huge flock of turkeys also. They are very fun to see.
I will be keeping my eyes peeled, I have a antique shopping feeling coming over right now as I speak/write. I love the shutters, I can't wait to see them in your bathroom. Not to mention the candle box. I have some candles, that this wonderful friend sent me that would look great. :) I can't wait to see the chicken book you found while on your hunt. I love wild turkeys and somewhere I have a picture I took when we were camping of a gobbler (male) fighting his reflection on the bumper of a truck. He did it for hours.
Now it is time to go put my girls back in the coop, we had a bit of sun so I let them out for awhile.
Blessings to you my dear Maine friend.
Great candle box. and I am a bit of of a shutter lover. have them on the inside of the kitchen window. I would like to know what this butter dish looks like. currier and Ives any speciald scene? you know me I am every where I might just bump into one.
Sorry to hear of the demise of the butter dish. On the other hand, those shutters, for 50c? That's a steal. Can I put an order in for four more? : )
Between you and Uncle Lloydie, there's a lot of talent going on there! Tell Bill not to touch the Polish butter dish!
I am viewing in reverse. You did a great job on the shutters.
Julie you are so lucky to have such a creative and talented the candle box and what you did with it. I'm married to a man such as yours...sometimes the poor guy is like a bull in a China shop! Wish I could help you with your butter dish but I haven't seen any around these parts...if I do I'll let you know. Enjoy your evening.
Maura :)
alright miss julie you need to show me how to find all these goodies! i LOVE the shutters! after a long day today your blog made me smile :) thank you! we'll be over to visit soon, maybe tomorrow!
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