PEACE-that was the other name for HOME. ~Kathleen Norris~

Happy New Year my friends. A current post has long been overdue. We here at Dog Trot Farm enjoyed the holiday as best as anyone can when confronted with the sudden death of a loved one. A shadow was cast on that cold December day, however we are given strength with the memories of loved ones lost....

It seems to me that after two months of hustle and bustle.... meaning November and December.... and the fanfare of January 1st, we succumb to a stand still.... and don't quite know what to do with ourselves. The shopping, the wrapping, the baking which had taken over our lives is complete....done....well, finished for another year anyway....

The Christmas tree which once shined so brightly is now relegated to the backyard being put to good use by our feathered friends. Speaking of feathered friends, my girls are not at all happy with this cold frigid Maine would think I was to blame for this cold morning greeting for me, just a mad dash to their breakfast of warm oatmeal and raisins. Their egg production has dropped of dramatically and feather loss is at a premium....however their heat lamp is burning brightly and a promise to my girls of not posting photos has been kept. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and I offer my Best Wishes for the New Year....until tomorrow....Julie
Julie, I am so sorry for your loss over the holidays. It’s so hard to lose a loved one and the holidays are hard when it comes to loss anyway. We have missed you and glad you’re back.
I have a question for you, love that tree. It looks to have strong branches-great for decorating. What kind of tree did you get?
Happy 2011
Oh so relieved to see a great post from Maine. I wish you a very happy New Year and look forward to all the the happenings at Dog Trot. Yes, my hens seem to have accusing eyes too.
I am so sorry about your loss....I was wondering where you were. You will be in my, if I might, I have a chicken question...when I have one of these questions I seem to come to you...anyway, is the loss of feathers due to the cold weather? One of my hens has lost some feathers and it has been very, very cold here. Thanks, Linda
So sorry that your family suffered a loss. It is always difficult, yet it seems so much worse when associated with a holiday.
I'm glad to hear the girls are enjoying a heat lamp. It was really cold here today. Big wind chill. Not fun.
Best Wishes to you also.
I have looked in on your blog from time to time It is so hard to lose someone durring the holidays. But glad your back. I have a friend with chickens and she gave me a dozen of her eggs so wonderful. mmmmm
Welcome back
I'm so sorry to read about your loss. There's no good time, but Christmas with its place in our hearts and minds can be particularly difficult.
I hope that this calm, in-between time of year is healing and restful for you.
My hens have stopped laying altogether. The were not happy when it snowed in November, and despite the return to more normal seasonal weather, they have refused to give up one egg.
Julie, I'm so sorry for your lost. Loosing someone is never easy and it seems that in winter it's even more difficult because everything is cold and the days are shorter with less sunlight and we are indoors more and the holidays isn't the same without them.
Your Christmas tree was lovely with all the vintage decorations. It's so nice that you reuse your tree for your feathered friends. I wish you a Wonderful New Year. JB
Happy New Year Julie! So sorry to hear that you have lost a loved one, we also lost a special person just before Christmas. Your pictures are beautiful. Enjoy some down time, Dawn
Glad your girls are toasty with the heat lamp. I had a nice Christmas and New Year but glad I'm glad it's over.
Julie, I am very sorry to hear of your loss. It's never easy but the pressures of a 'merry and bright' Christmas, can make it a little more difficult and memories indeed are a precious gift.
Be well ~Andrea~
i am so sorry you experienced a tragedy during the holiday went suddenly three years ago and i know the shocking pain one feels when hearing about the devastating loss. i love the ornaments on your tree. they remind me of some of mine on my library tree. take care julie, hope your feathered babies recover from the cold. not a good time to lose feathers! love that you feed warm oatmeal and raisins. i want chickens one day and these little tidbits of info you offer are very helpful.
Nice to see you back Julie! Really nice! I wish the girls would get their feathers all pretty so they wouldn't mind being in a picture or two.
Happy New Year Julie! I must admit that I rather like January in spite of the sad associations it has for me. It's a nice slow month when I can catch up with things and spend time reading and knitting and pottering about - it's a hibernating time now:)
Happy New Year Julie, looking forward to hearing and seeing the "Girls" when it warms up.
A late Happy New Year to you.
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