With the passing of a parent many of us as adult children will face the task of cleaning out and potentially selling the family home. The torch is passed and it is a fact of life. With the death of my mother in-law I began to realize how daunting this task may be. There are feelings and memories attached to "things" but one must remember it is not about the "things," but honoring their parent's wishes. I do believe my husband and his five siblings have done just that and would make their parent's proud. Many of the items that will now make a home here at Dog Trot Farm are special remembrance's of my mother in-law. The harem doll brought back to her eighty-five years ago by her parents traveling in the Far East.

A lace tablecloth used for special occasions on the old farm table....

A German figurine.... my mother in-law shared with me her special memories of horseback riding with her father. Years later when she and my father in-law purchased the farm where my husband grew up she had horses of her own and rode through the fields and woods on what is now our land. She also had a love for and raised Brittney Spaniels.

A pair of eagle mirrors which I have always admired for many years now find a place of honor in our "big room"....

a favorite platter....

Discovered tucked in a bookcase a long forgotten favorite childhood book of my husbands....Mrs Piggle-Wiggle....

and finally two old Christmas ornaments once cherished by my mother in-law will now have a place of honor on our Christmas tree.

What makes an rememberence special is not the monetary value but the heartfelt feelings, special memories that one remembers. I hope you all have cherished possessions of your own, those which tug at your heart and put a smile on your face.
You are so right. We had the job of taking care of my husband's uncle's estate and it was amazing to watch the people we invited to come find a memory. Two gals even fought over a tablecloth and almost tore it into!!! It's all about the memories. Too bad more people don't realize that. Dawn
I do, both from my Mom and my Mother-In-Law. And they do tug at our hearts and put smiles on our faces. As did yours. Have a good evening.
What a beautiful post. You have brought forth some lovely items and how they are symbols of what we love, what we cherish, what inspires us, and how we pass on our spirits to the next generation. These simple possessions tell so much about your Mother-in-law: how many things she appreciated about life and how rich she made her time on Earth.
Very sweet and I am so glad you have things to remember her by. Everything is just beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing. You are so special too.
What wonderful memorabelias to display in your home. You are right, it's not about the monetary value. There are things that money can't buy. Enjoy. JB
Your words were heartfelt and so true. It's not the monetary value its such a sweet reminder of someone you loved. Cheri
You're so right it's not about the things. I learned this when my grandmother died. I have a few of her items, but it's the memories attached to them, the relationship we had together and the fact we will be reunited one day are what I treasure most.
Since my husband and I have lost all of our parents we have many things that were both of our parents. the dividing up is hard and sometimes we would find things that had been tucked away that we all had no idea where it came from. a memory from their past that they didn't share. Lovely memories and in the end isn't that all we have left
When my mom passed away 5 years ago, dad sold the farm right away. Being the only girl with 3 younger brothers, the task fell to me to 'take care' of everything. I went through 50 plus years of things trying to sort out those items that would have special meaning for each of us. A hard task...but good memories.
Ihave been through this process with my parents, and you are so right, it is the heartfelt feelings and memories that the object recalls that matters. I have a wooden cooking fork that my mom used almost every day, and now I use, and her old star-patterned colander hanging in my kitchen. From my dad, I have some tools. I just love having those items to see and use.
I too have many things saved from the homes of family members long departed and they give me comfort and a point of beginning now that I am 60.
There is a feeling of continuity, remembering days when the women I knew and loved gathered around the kitchen table and prepared food or chatted. Sadly I don't have that in my own life so recalling those cherished memories have become very important to me.
Wonderful post!
Tina xo
What a very nice tribute to your mother in law. It's even more wonderful that you know that much about what was cherished by her. Makes me think about what's cherished in my family. ~Vonnie, NH
The worth of anything is best measured in the memories it engenders, the feelings it brings up and its place in our hearts. I love the way you've incorporated these beloved items into your home.
Another layer of memory.
What a beautiful post. I think it is so lovely the way you appreciate and honor you dear mother-in-laws precious belongings. There are certain things that I cherish and hope my children will honor as well.
i am glad your inlaws didn't fight over the material possessions. so many families become bitter if they didn't get what they wanted. those bulbs look like my grammy's. i love to think of her as i decorate the tree. looks like you found some real treasures and i am sure your mother in law will be happy her belongings found a new home with you.
Julie, I been a bad blogger. Forgive me :) I love this post. Love the horse and jockey. I have a few things of my Mom's that are dear to me. I think it is wonderful that all these cherished things will be loved and live on with their old history and make new history at Dog Trot Farm.
Hey Lady, missed you this week as I’ve been out of town on work. I am so sorry for the loss of your MIL and you are right about the task of going through their possessions and remembering they are not the person. That can be hard. I love all the items you’ve shared above. The harem doll is wonderful. Amazing she came to your MIL from her parents. I love that you have a her in a glass cloche. I’ve always loved the eagle mirrors and the figurines are great too. I would say you have some wonderful pieces that will be cherished and passed on down to your kids. I have a few things from my loved ones past and I do cherish them greatly.
Hope you are staying warm friend,
Hugs from WV :)
I have quite a few cherished possessions, my grandmother's old desk and the dish she always made the trifle in on Christmas Day. I have the china cabinet (with its original contents) and dining table that belonged to my parents too. Even at 64 I still find it comforting to have these connections with my childhood around me.
The harem doll is just beautiful and looks in wonderful condition, I,m sure you have found a special place for all the wonderful possessions.
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