Way up yonder.... off in a field.... Dog Trot Farm can be found swimming in a sea of white....earlier in the day we did get a glimpse of blue sky....but it was not to last....

by afternoon the snow had begun to fall yet again....

this my friends is my new means of transportation....

If you can't beat Mother Nature you might as well join her....Oh and just a note to Mr. Punxsutawney Phil.... I am holding you to your word.... I do expect to see spring in six weeks....
It was truly gorgeous outside earlier today. I actually stood out on our deck in a short sleeve top and soaked up the sun for a bit(need my vitamin D). Then I sent hubby to the grocery store and the snow started to fall with a bang.
I would love to chat with you some time and pick your brain about chickens. I think we are going to get some this year and I have no idea where to begin. I have been wanting them for 3 years now, and hubby has finally given in.
Those are some fancy snow shoes! We are getting 25 cms tomorrow. Maybe I really should get a pair of those. :)
Personally I think all the groundhogs are big liars this year. There will have to be some MAJOR global warming before I believe Spring in 6 weeks!
oh my gosh...more snow? You poor thing! It is pretty...from a distance...but I feel for ya! We had 100+ inches a few years ago and it was a beastly winter for me.
Hard to believe we are into the second week of February and more snow is expected in the next week. While I hate the mud and wet melty mess that Spring brings I am sure I will be ready for the sunny warmer days.
It's amazing how deep the snow is...it almost reaches the bell in the tree! No wonder you need the snow shoes! I agree...let's put the thumb screws to Phil!
The snow has been relentless. However, tonight we're having rain. Yuk! My husband was already out shoveling the roof some more, just to be sure.
Spring seems so far away at this moment.
I am holding that varment to his word also. I got a seed and plant catalog today in the mail so I have been dreaming of flower gardens all afternoon.
What are those things? Are they snow blowers? So sorry, but you know, I don't do snow. :)Some jet pack you put on to go feed the chickens real fast?
I am hoping that ground hog is right and you will be done with snow soon.
Today, driving my car, I looked over at the Starbucks and there were pear trees blooming!! I about fainted. Silly trees, one was completely covered in blooms. We were trying to figure out how it could bloom in the cold. Then I thought of it, it is the coffee. :)
Have a nice weekend.
I's snowing here too in Ottawa. I sure hope that spring will be here soon. I need to see green things grow. Are those snow shoes I see sticking out of the snow? JB
Oooh that new means of transportation looks like a lot of fun. It's come a long way since the last time I rode a version.
Your new means of transportation looks very practical - lets hope you don't need to use them for too much longer and that Spring is waiting just around the corner. For all that our weather is wet and windy there is a definte feel of Spring in the air here.
We had snow, too, but hopefully it will leave soon.
Stay warm. Enjoy the beauty.
I bet it aint even easy to get around on them there walkin tennis racquets!
The snow looks beautiful! Cheri
Ooh ooh! CH and I would love your new means of transportation. You and the MR. can race all around Dog Trot with Winslow chasing your behinds and "The Girls" all a bok-bok boking about the new fangled contraptions. I gotta ask you though, I love that tiny squeezed pic you did! How'd you do that? Take care Julie!
A very beautiful sea of white. The twins share your mode of transport...it looks fun!
Looks like a good pair of snowshoes...is that a maple leaf I see on them? ;) I used to use them up in British Columbia only mine were the old style with the rawhide and wood. These look very light weight...even better! Looks like you'll be needing them for a while. We've got a chance of snow for tonight..snow Tuesday and a chance on Wednesday...hope spring isn't far off...I'm tired of winter! Here's hoping this next batch of now misses you.
Maura :)
What are those things? Very pretty photo but I'm so tired of the snow. We are parked at the top of the driveway. But hey, I'm getting exercise! That groundhog maybe right. The exended forecast shows 50's and even 60's for mid Missouri! WOO HOO!
Ok, I’m gonna let my dumb, not used to snow like this self ask a question--are those really snow shoes? They look like motorized ones--I can see you just surfing across that snow 80 mph like a surfer. So, dear nothern friend--explain :)
Hugs, Amy
I'll take spring now....oh! I guess I shouldn't rush things.
hello again form wales
I have not visited for a long time
nice to catch upbest
I am just checking on you and seeing how you are. I hope you are getting a chance to see a bit of the ground and not snow.
I have just been wondering what you have been up too. Why don't you just come to California for a bit. :) We can sit outside in the sun and stare at my chickens.
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