Winslow Homer and I would like you to know that winter has returned with a vengeance here in our neck of the woods....

Early this morning I strapped on my snowshoes before the snow began to fall in earnest....well.... If I were being truthful....If I don't exercise first thing in the morning odds are it won't happen at all...I become too involved with inside projects.... so I headed down through the woods with Winslow in tow. Two miles or an hour...which ever happens first.... It was so quiet in the woods this morning the only sound to be heard was the snow settling on the fir trees...I have to admit this is a wonderful way to start one's day....

Now I do realize some of you are enjoying warmer temperatures....have begun tilling your gardens...planting onion sets....and have seen the promise of spring first hand with the presence of crocus....tulips and daffodil's....All I can say is lucky sea of white is going to be here for quite some time....

Skippy wandered out and raided the bird feeder.... yet again....but on a day like this I can't get angry with him....

Oh.... the snow did fall....and fall...

heavy ....wet....snow

by evening a foot of freshly fallen snow covered everything in sight....

and the girls.... not happy in the least....however.... tucked in as "snug as a bug in a rug"....

tomorrow the sun will shine and Sunday....we'll see the white stuff yet again.... after all ti's winter in Maine....
Is it any consolation that just further south, we were at the snow/rain/sleet/slush line? It rained this afternoon, and yet it was too cold to wash the snow off the roof... we'll have thick ice tomorrow, at least you can walk on what fell!
Yes, we too had winter revisit us here in the Pacific Northwest, but certainly not the amount you have! Your little doggie looks so sweet with the snowbeard....adorable!!!
The pictures are just beautiful too!!
Thanks for sharing and stay warm!!
Your neck of the woods is beautiful covered in snow. We had a wet dusting last night and it was pretty here too. More is forecasted for tonight.
I haven't tired of snow yet this year.
Well, here I am in California and I am not tilling a garden this weekend, I am supposed to be getting snow. :) Isn't that a total hoot. :) So if I get snow I will let you know.
I also know that Skippy is a pest, but I do love the picture of him with snow on his back. I love the picture of Winslow with snow on his face.
I am so impressed with your walk in the morning. It sounded so peaceful and quiet. I love your description of the snow on the fir trees.
Stay warm.
So those snow shoes turned out to be a really good investment this year. You might be using them for awhile yet. But I hope not :)
Winslow is looking good. I hope he is stabilized now.
Awwwww.. sweet Winslow Homer! Snowshoes - I may invest in some before next winter. A walk might be a possibility then. My feathered girls (and boys) don't like the snow either, but since they've seen a lot of it this (their first) winter... they seem to be adjusting a little bit. Our landscape looks much like yours and it's 20-something degrees tonight. It will be {get this}... 60's on Sunday with a chance of severe thunderstorms. What a rollercoaster ride! -Tammy
Oh Winslow, you're so stinkin' cute!
Oh the snow did fly and the roads are a mess. STILL but you are right after all it is winter in New Hampshire. But it is time for it to go
cathy have really gotten dumped on. Do you know what your snowfall to date measures? We had over 100 inches a few years ago and boy, was I tired of that white matter how beautiful it looked out here in the country. Spring will come.
Julie--WOW! You know, it still is February and I know many of us (me) have been complaining a lot about this winter but we have a ways to go here too. Unfortunately, it’s been raining like mad, flooding in the area and this morning we have a very strong wind-storm. I am terrified of high winds so it scared me to death. It’s a muddy mess here right now--I honestly would take this gorgeous snow of yours as it is at least pretty to look at :)
Stay warm my friend,
What beautiful winter scenes - some great shots!...especially Winslow Homer and that squirrel!
Winter hasn't loosened its grip on our part of the world - very weird!
When will it end. We only got a few inches, thankfully. You really got hammered with snow. It going to take a whole lot of sun to melt whats in your yard. Winslow looks happy and well. Have a good weekend.
Wow I think you have even more snow than us and we still have alot! We actually got rain in this last storm and then snow last night on top of it so everything is covered in ice AND snow! No tulips or daffodils here for awhile either. Enjoy your weekend!
Wow! After seeing your snow... our snow ain't so bad... ours melted during a soaker of a rain the last 2 days... though I will say that starting each day with a walk through fresh snow sounds so relaxing!!! Thanks for sharing pictures!
I love a walk in the woods when the snow is falling! So serene. And though, nothing remotely close to what you are experiencing, it is cold and gloomy here in Phoenix and they say there is a 'chance' of snow in the valley of the sun today!!
Beautiful photo's, have a wonderful weekend. HUGS MARY
Oh boy! You sure got dumped on. That same storm missed us - again. Still, we have about two feet of hard packed snow on the ground. It's going to be a while before we see any grass. Even longer if a march blizzard shows up. (Grin). ATB!
It must be great to have the time to go for a walk in the wood on such a freshly fallen snow. Pretty soon you will be able to tap maple trees.
Have a great weekend. JB
It's pretty Julie...but you can keep it!!
That is such a funny picture of your dog!! Is it Winslow he looks different with snow on his face?Lol.The snow is beautiful.
That is the kind of snow that always sent my husband out to fix the powerlines. Heavy wet snow means downed power lines in our next of the world.
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